
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 18:07:39
司马光为什么不把石头扔进水缸里,让水满出来不就能喝到水了?还有 谁是司马光?喝口水都要上新闻…… it is no use___me not to worry about his injuryA for you to tell B your telling C you tell D having told david s( ) "The apple is red IT是如何定义IZZUE和5CM的 当年司马光为什么要砸缸?他往缸里放石头水面上升不就能喝到水了嘛? 为什么司马光不把石头扔到缸里,那样他不是可以喝到水了吗? 1.It is no use __ me not to worry.a.you tell b.your tellingc.for you to have told d.having told为什么要选B?怎么分析2.He is very busy ___ his papers.He is far too busy ___ callers.a.writing; to receive b.wrtiting; receiving为什么选A?far t 【高一英语】It is no use _____me not to worry.A.you tellB.your tellingC.for you to have toldD.having stold最好每个选项都解释下 There is sunshine after raining 如题 用一张长是25.12厘米,宽3.14厘米的长方形纸,围成一个无底的圆柱.有( )种围法,其中当围成的圆柱的高为( )时体积较大. r=2.5厘米,求C?d=7厘米,求C?C=25.12分米,求r?看谁算得又快又对!明天就r=2.5厘米,求C?d=7厘米,求C?C=25.12分米,求r?看谁算得又快又对!明天就要交了! 求各圆的直径 C=376.8毫米 C=25.14厘米 C=2.826米 求各圆的周长 D=30厘米 R=0.R=50厘米带算试 my pictures are better than this.his pictures are ____ than _____my pictures are better than this.his pictures are ____ than _____改为同义句. not enough的对应词, this evening(近义词) this evening 的同音词是什么? university of edinburgh 好还是national university of Singapore好?如题:)我是说本科!呵呵!如果毕业后我想去美国读一个博士的话,应该去哪? Department of Civil and Transportation Engineering,Napier University,Edinburgh EH10 5DT,U.K.翻译 consultate general of edinburgh什么意思 Univ.of Bath,UK是英国的什么大学 猫不怕水吗 A Smarter Way Forward中文意思是什么中文诠释 口号之类的意思 perhaps the way forward is not smooth,but i will accompany you go. Perhaps the way forward is not smooth,but I will accompany you go. 什么是小步舞曲 谁有巴赫的全部小步舞曲 five apples什么in a bag 创造一首关于月亮的小诗不要古诗那样的,最好是每一句字数都不一样. 自己为湖州创造一首诗要自己写的要快点如果能在8月3日前写好我在给你添30悬赏是自己为湖州编的 求一首诗歌加它的故事是原诗的故事,不要太长,诗几句就可以了 急求一首讲述一个故事的诗~故事要能有一个哲理或给人某种启迪的, 根据一首诗歌编一则故事.