
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 09:08:19
帮忙写篇英语作文Life without computer,120字. Don't expect anything so much I don't expect that you would answer my leter so soon. I don't expect that you would answer my letter so soon 英语翻译这是什么子,听音乐 Don't expect,so when lost ,you won't be sad ,if you get,it's a surprise for you.. 麻烦帮我雅思作文打个分Task 1,题目是剑6的30页Given is a line chart revealing some data over the water requirement worldwide and the consumption of water in two different nations were shown by the graph.As can be seen from the line cha 假设你叫Wang Li,两个月以前你和父母去了英国伦敦.现在请你给国内的同学Li Ming用英文写一封信,告诉他你在那里的情况.内容包括:1.学校很漂亮,很干净.老师和同学们都很友好.你每天下午和 attraction的动词和形容词 柯南里面是不是有首跟Attraction很像的,或者说就是Attraction刚听的时候觉得90%是柯南里面的 但是查了一下都没有结果,也看到有人说Attraction跟柯南一首经典插曲极像,我也看过700集左右了,觉得 求歌词,丽莎爱克妲I don't miss you anymore?最好是中英文对照,如果只有英文也可以,谢拉. 古文中什么字当湖讲 Lower Carbon ,happier Life请你写一篇“Lower Carbon(低碳) ,Happier Life”为主题的短文,谈谈自己如何从身边的小事入手,节约能源,保护环境.短文参考要点如下:1.尽可能自己步行或骑自行车上学,建 请以“Lower Carbon,Happier Life”为题写一篇英语短文.60--80词要求:1 自己走路或骑车上学,父母骑车上班.2 节约用水·用电;及时关灯·关电脑电视等.3 将用过的书本给低年级学生.4 购物时带上篮 I miss U,now.Don't you love me? 英语、麻烦分析一下!is this machine often in need of repair?NO.______problems to arise.A never do we hope B seldom do we expect What's your new year's resolution?() next year() next year,I hope to go to LondonA FromB TOC AtD For Magic of Love,ah,in front of you is that you identify the two successor S what's her name?她是谁? 英文歌曲 THE LONDON EYE 的汉语歌词,THE LONDON EYE 的汉语歌词,儿歌版本,三年集的 THE LONDON EYE怎么样 现在最便宜的天文台证书表MIDO的手表5千元能买到吗qing请机械行家 顺便解答一下美度手表的优缺点 请问MIDO指 挥 官 新款有没有天文台认证的? I don't like you a little .只有5.6班的老师才教过噢`! We are all together on the London Eye .(转为疑问句) 什么山芋最好吃 You have to stop the Q-tips when there is resistance London Eye这个单词是什么意思? When someone leaves,it's because someone else is about to arrive . L Love You Too、 You Know you little son of a bifch She needs to have the bike repaired,______?A.does she B.doesn’t she C.need she D.needn’t she He wants to have his TV() a.repairing b.repairedHe wants to have his TV()a.repairing b.repaired c.to repair为什么