
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 18:43:33
BBB怎么样 BBB+和A-是代表什么刚看了宝钢集团的发展史,提到了BBB+何A-这两个 不太了解代表什么.大概是代表信誉吧. 为什么是BBB 19.They shut all the windows and doors of the classroom to _______ cold.A .keep off b.keep in c.keep out d,keep away When you leave room,you should shut its door and window,for open doors and windows re an easy__orburglarsA. target B.goal C. aim D.invitation 初三了 想学数学但是不会我初三数学100分满才能得40分左右 做题不会 上课听不懂 即使听了做题依然不会 已知,在平行四边形ABCD中,∠ABC的平分线交CD于E,∠ADC的平分线交AB于点F求证:FB=DE How much did you pay for that soccer ball?(改为同义句)How much did you ____ ____that soccer ball? 英语翻译1.How much did you pay for that car 2.China has lately been exporting to Africa large numbers of machines.3.It so happened that he had no money with him at the moment.4.She was a brilliant sportswoman but never fulfilled her early promise 教会当年为什么要烧死布鲁诺?仅仅只是因为坚持日心说? 布鲁诺为了真理付出了哪些 科学的殉道士 布鲁诺为了坚持真理付出了哪些代价? 谁知道关于布鲁诺的简介,越少越好!要概括!不要百度百科的!O(∩_∩)O谢谢 用优字组词什么的秩序 优字有什么组词 as much as 后面可不可以加形容词,例如as much as big有一题是这样子的你们的教室和我们的一样大翻译:Your classroom is _____ ______ _____ _____ours。这要怎么填啊··中间是四个空 求以下英语句子的语法纠错并改正,若没有发现错误,注明“没有”.1.Maybe there are some mistakes in my following discussion,so only for your reference.2.According some statistics,these energy is much enough to heat the products 求两句英文语法纠错Be the lighting in the wind.成为风中的闪电.you'll never kill the dream I dreamed.你不能消灭的的梦想.都是单句没有上下文, lafite怎么读哦,法语怎么发音,英语怎么发音,知道的大神贴下音标吧, 英语还是考不及格 怎么办 优字组词 ()的政策 怎样描写林黛玉这个人物200字作文 用优组词优()的环境 描写一种水果的作文八十字以上 用优字组词()的产品 用优字组词()的成绩,()的传统,()的条件.()服务,()录取,()队员,()寡断,举止(),风景() 用优组词( )的性格还有用密组词( )的工作( )的太空( )地聚会( )的思维 "细心的读者"用英语怎么说?如题. 一个英语句子文法检查Made a brief guiding about hotel for Chinese,Japanese, and Western visitors.word一直说我这句文法是fragment请问哪里有问题吗 所选取的翻译内容应该符合一般国外读者的需求用英语怎么说 帮我检查这句话的语法(英语)Because the noise comes from the pinion and rack when joggling. 为读者留下一个悬念用英语怎么说