
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 03:16:28
北师大版高中英语课文录音下载(必修1~选修8)等了一天了,没人吗 ,这个网站不全 ,人都到哪了 he did not enjoy the play.和he can not enjoy the play.有什么区别 did he enjoy the play or not?这句该怎么回答?(两种情况都写)这句是选择问句吗?如果不是那是什么新概念第二册中第一课的summary writing中就有这个问题, The play was interesting.I did not enjoy it. Do you enjoy the play or not ? 回答可以是No, I don"t.吗?这是选择问句?可否加 yes,no 回答? 英语翻译就用乒乓球回答 八下语文书课后十首诗 求八上人教版语文书后的附录10首古诗的内容! 谁有北师大版高中英语课文和单词的录音(必修1~选修8)课文 录音都要. 问一下大家五年级上册数学书总复习答案那里啊?有晓得的人就说下哈,真心感谢大家了雍 晓得的人说下哈,非常谢谢大伙眠5 有点急,牡晓得的人说下哈, 有晓得的人就说下哈,本人先在此感受大伙排 高一英语填空ture friend are rare.___ has been said that friendship doubles our joys and haves our sorrows.some may feel that friends are not necessary.___,they learn too late in life that we all need ture friends.in fact,the quality of our life 填空1.to realize our dreams,we must make the best of our time.to realize our dreams we must __ __ __ __ our time.2.you can take the dictionary away because I don't need it right now.you can take the dictionary away because I don't need it ___ ___.3 高一英语填空,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空.We appreciated his ________of time and money to the project.(devote)选择适当的单词或词语填空.1.dessert/desert(1)In America,we call pie,cake,puddings,and ice cream _________. 填填空. 高一英语填空,______(与……比较)what he already had,the new stamps were not very interesting.“compared”和“comparing”在这个题目中有什么区别啊? 用下面的词语造句用,面不改色,雪中送炭,深情厚谊,咆哮,狞笑,呻吟,势不可挡,同口协力,胆怯,完璧归赵,攻无不克,战无不胜,神机妙算,穿梭,打量,手疾眼快,敛色屏气,放诞无礼,转悲为喜,纵横交 谁会用下面词语造句啊?油光可鉴、抑扬顿挫、深恶痛疾、翻来覆去、粗制滥造、藏污纳垢、郁郁寡欢、鹤立鸡群、正襟危坐、颔首低眉、诚惶诚恐、无可置疑、黯然失色、广袤无垠、油然而 下面词语造句窥伺、不拘、分娩、岑寂、绮丽、束手无策、无济于事、变故、侮蔑、狡猾、克勤克俭、慷慨、引经据典、指摘、恫吓、晓谕求你们了 用下列词语造句倘若___韵味___陶醉___引人入胜__鼠目寸光__不解之缘__既然..就..__无论..都..__虽然..但是..__不但..而且..__ 用下面词语造句1、用宛如造句2、用如饥似渴造句 play ____(on/in)the gym Play in the gym They often play football in the gym on Saturday就划线部分提问,划了一个in the gym. I can't play ______ in the gym.A.basketball B.football C.volleyball They can play tennis in the gym.改一般疑问句 英语作文旅游 旅游英语作文 译中文 play with play with 翻译汉语