
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 05:41:48
Dear my sisterThe test I am very fortunate ∩ _ ∩ through a very poor schools to give us a few days put a dozen of the holiday,here it seems that recently went to the rainy season,the season's favorite through the window to see the distant hills,t 有一首歌,很甜美的女声,中文的,但是有几句英文好像是,I love you i fuck you.求,RT 风格和Yesterday Once More差不多的类型.的经典英文歌曲. a group of people working for the same company啥意思? most people doing reseach are working for credits这里do和work为什 么 都要加上ing leaf的意思 In fact,you hypocritical than anyone else 幫忙翻譯一下中文 Our school invites some great people to give us talks__ A.from a day and night B.from time to timeOur school invites some great people to give us talks__A.from a day and night B.from time to time C.from past to now D.from one to anther 树叶;或叶子 比如我要告诉宝宝“你爸爸回来了”,如何准确翻译?是用一般过去时还是现在完成时? 请问为什么英语翻译“我在过去三年学习到了很多”要用一般过去时,而不是现在完成时呢 以前的波斯是现在的哪个国家 玲玲用8天的时间看完一本书,每天看了这本书的九分之一还多2页,这本书共有多少页? 加薪申请,有谁能提供英文范文呢?我从事的是行政管理和售后服务工作. 加薪英文give a raise 或 raises 请问还有其它的吗 根据所给单词完成句子,要求符合语法.office,is,post,near,there,a,here, this here is all there is.请朋友帮我分析下这句话的语法或者句法 I have had a letter from Tom 变成第三人称怎么改还有I always try to get up earlyI always enjoy a good film 这总共三个句子变成第三人称怎么改 骥是什么字 ‘如何询问天气’的句型 用什么样的句型询问天气? 英语句型问天气问天怎么样的句型怎么写?英语的.一定要准确呀! 问天气的俩中句型? "骥"念什么 you had better drive carefully .the roads are wet为嘛不能用would better ____the weather is cold and wet,you had better put on your coats.请写出原因. A bottle weighs more after air is put in ,________proves that air has weight.A we B it C which Dthat 求详解,感激不尽. 文学中表是好马的词有哪些?比如:骥 perform in school plays(英文)hand in term paper(中文)支付房租(英文)解决问题(英文) 帮忙用英文写一份加薪申请领导是老外,需要写邮件大概内容就写:我有18个月没有调整工资了,最近国内的物价飞涨,生活成本大幅提高,女儿还要交学费,现在的工资很难维持家庭的开销了,希 用持组词 1.骥中人民靠地道的方式( )同敌人作斗争.2.交通秩序需要交通警察( ),更需要大家共同遵守.今天必须告诉我,明天就算再好也不给分了! “there are moments when you drive me mad .”中为什么要用“drive”?“drive”的用法是什么?