
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 05:47:32
I fed some horses with my clsssmates on the farm laet week.It was so ( ) fun.A.a lot B.A.a lot B.manyC.much D.little如果可以的话请解释一下, 小学课文酸栆情中我为什么惭愧,无地自容这个词可以看出什么 though 引导的句子,放句首,还是末尾?我不确定.我指的是,though 做连词 引导从句的情况。 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺.什么意思这句话,何解? 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,月有阴晴圆缺, kind of,kinds of和a kind of的语法区别 you look kind of down 刚才那个As we all know,deer_on grass.A feed B feeds C is feeding D are fed其实 应该是选A 我没考虑到deer是单复数同形,没可能是D那个回答的人 你说 be fed on 是一个词组 意思为 以什麽为食?我想为什麽是被 ( ) 2.Please feed the grass the cow; cows feed grass.A.On;to B.For;on C.On;for D.To;on 月有阴晴圆缺的缺是指什么意思 My mother can sing ,too改为否定句 My mother feels well 改为一般疑问句 月有阴晴圆缺的缺是什么意思此事古难全的全是什么意思呢 My mother is scared of dogs and her mother is scared of dogs too.: My mother is scared of dogs.__ ___ ___ 半信半疑,照样子,写词语 半信半疑,照样子写词语要写两个 照样子写词语: 派头十足(含数字) 半信半疑(含反义词) 同样的月夜,同样的阴晴圆缺,是什么使白兔 从前得闲适心情一扫而光急啊请大家快点拜托啦 月亮为什么会有阴晴圆缺的变化呢? Jesse was by now scared stiff and frozen cold 中的scared stiff和frozen cold语法上怎么讲? He was found playing in the woods.请问这句语法该怎么分析?被动句He还是主语吗?还是这句没主语?那么He做什么成分呢?playing in the woods是做宾补吗? 英语翻译 半信半疑的反以词 为什么月亮会有阴晴圆缺? you'd better _______(not go) outside.it's too late ln(n+2)除以ln(n+1)是否等于ln(n+2-n-1) It's late.I hope all of you to go to sleep well? 求极限n【ln(n-1)-lnn】 It's too late.You'd better ( ) any more. A.not to sing B.not go on singing May 11th is Mother's Day of this year.The Youth League committee of No.17 Middle School will holdMay 11th is Mother's Day of this year.The Youth League committee of No.17 Middle School will hold a handicraft making contest for the students to celebra The most beloved of my father,this day last year,never left me.Leaving my mother and Dependence!告诉我这段话的意思. ___ ______ is your mother this year?