
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 00:23:25
They don't know scientists,any more than they know much about science.这个意思是说他们对科学和科学家都不太了解但是 know much about science 感觉又好像是对科学知道很多似的 提起长江,我就会想到( )、( );提起大海,我就会想起成语( )、 (提起长江,我就会想到( )、( );提起大海,我就会想起成语( )、 ( );听人说起"赤朱丹彤”,我就想起结构相 看到长江入大海卢沟桥,你能想到哪些四字成语. 一元一次不等式, 杰克逊的They don't care about us 的创作背景是什么?据说和冷战有关 想问问这首歌的背景是什么 到底想表达什么. 泪求杰克逊那首they don't care about us的中文音译歌词我不懂英文,可又很想学这首歌,各位大虾不要见笑啊,歌词大意不要,只要音译.比如they可以说是"热儿". 带有海字的成语如: 形容人数众多( ) 形容力强势大( ) 形容没有消息( ) 形容各有本领( ) 形容意志坚决( ) 泛指世界各地( ) 比喻边界之地( ) 比喻容量大( ) 含有海的成语 含有海字的成语国家棵个哈哈风格撒旦恢复感大会搞活大概和古生界十分恢复感共和国恢复感士大夫山豆根鸡冠花 there 后面的be 动词怎样才能分辨出是is 还是are?am会用到吗? 火星文怎么打出来的? 火星文如何打出来?具体点! 火星文怎么打 我用火星文怎么打 “低调”用英语怎么说? - Take this medicine twice a day,Peter?- Do I have to take it?It ________ so terrible.a.is tasting b.tastes c.has tasted d.is tasted 低调用英语怎么说 Do I have to take this medicine? It_________ so terrible A. tastesB. is tastingC. is tastedDhas tas 我一直很低调用英语怎么说一直很低调,从未被超越又怎么说 Mum is a Chinese boy.But now he Mumu is a Chinese boy.But now he 1 in the UK.He lives and 2 with Mr and Mrs Green in London.They are very nice to him.But they like different 3 .For breakfast,Mr and Mrs Green would like milk,eggs and some vegetables,s 低调的英文怎么表达?形容一个人,不喜欢到处炫耀.低调的英文怎么讲? Good medicine for health tastes bittre to the mouthWe must be must be 低调 英语怎么说?记得是keep a low 什么,什么=impression,求这个单词,它有印象的意思 The medicine tastes so bad ,it surely does.But it will ()you good.这里为什么要填do呢?可是为什么不用make呢 What do you call it?的同义句是什么 i would like to ask how do you call? piease call me if you go to the zoo的同义句please _________me a_______if you go to the zoo. Jenny asked me to come to her birthday party last week=Jenny ____ _____ ______her birthday party last week 老师要求我们用图画表达下自己的梦想,我的梦想是企业家,请问该怎么画别说得太麻烦,我要简洁明了! Last week ,a friend invited me to a c------- party 写作文我的梦不知道写什么办?该怎么 所给词适当形式填空,说明原因 Don't leave here until the rain______(stop)