
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:26:29
Fish are easy to take care of .同义句怎么转换? in his factory the workers work hardly 哪一处有错误,请指出 Would you like something ( 把drink的适当形式填入括号One of the ( ) is American 把child的适当形式填入括号并翻译 大学英语20道选择题题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:Afraid of being scolded by the teacher,Tom ______ a story to explain why he was late.选项:a、wrote b、provided c、t 1.The colonel realized (A) that the private was crying (B) because (C) what he had said (D).(选择有错误的一项)A.realizedB.was cryingC.becauseD.had said满分:5 分2.Man must stop ___ the earth’s atmosphere.A.pollutingB.fillingC.emittingD. It is easy to take care of a tortoise.(改为同义句) It's easy to take care of?这句话错吗?take care of 后面难道不要跟下去的吗? 历史有几次外国人当英国国王的?我知道有两次,一个是征服者诺曼,另一个是安茹伯爵亨利,还有其他吗? 英国国王变迁史 英国国王与德国皇帝是不是不一样,为什么称呼不一样?不同点是什么 创新大学英语1册综合教程课后答案 He wants to go (shop) this afternoon.括号前应该填什么? these tigers will be _____nearly two metros long when they grow up .这些老虎成年后会长到两米. 一定要看清题干,是根据材料答题,还是根据所学知识答题,还是结合材料和所学知识答 约200年前,德国哲学家黑格尔曾说“中国的历史从本质上看是没有历史的,它只是君主覆灭的一再重复而已.任何进步都不可能从中产生.”法国政界与学界都很出名的阿兰·佩雷菲特对黑格尔这 ”My parents are very mixed. she is not the girl who she is my parents are very good at ( )《swim》 第二大题的第三小题!His brother works hard at his lessons.第二大题的第三小题!His brother works hard at his lessons.(改为一般疑问句)小升初题目 Look how high I can fly mp3有配套歌词最好,没有也没关系,>o 我们要排一个节目,要唱look how high we can fly光唱太单调,有好点子吗我们要排一个节目,要唱look how high we can fly光唱太单调,能不能给想个配合歌的节目,时间要短!控制在10分钟之内 19世纪六七十年代是中外历史发生重大变动的时代.结合所学知识.归纳这一时期中外历史变化的表现,并分析这种变化的共同因素 根据句意及首字母补全单词:Hurry up,or you'll m__enjoy playing soccer.以上的错了...Hurry up,or you'll m__the bus 结合学过的中外历史知识,想一想,为什么说中国在19世纪面临着巨大的挑战. 小学课程中舍己为人的人(小学课程!) 除了舍己为人还有()己()人 纤维素促进胃肠蠕动的机理; 求working women's legs迅雷下载链接 Now the workers are workingNow the workers are ()()同义句 Put on your clothes!是什么意思?三年级的题 You could hardly see the road,could you?一_.It was so windy and rainy.A.Yes,I could B.No,I couldn’t C.Yes,I did D.No,I did not.