
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 15:09:44
七年级下册英语作文60字就好 五篇 急用 12篇要人教版的,Unit1~Unit12 一个单元一篇不要太复杂,50词就行 七年级下册的英语作文假如你是王平,请根据下表的提示写信告诉你的朋友Tony,你上个周末是怎样度过的.信的开头和结尾已绐出,词数60左右.上午 下午 晚上周六 运动,读英语,去书店买书 .看望 英语翻译1.I am a certified scuba diver,so that I get the chance I love to go scuba diving (这是说一项运动)2.and band class challenges me to try new pieces and learn at thesame time(这是半句话,上句是说音乐是他生活的一部 英语翻译Quentin Tarantino wraps up his dizzy double-dose of martial arts film tribute cum informed paean to junk cinema with the throw-it-all-against-wall abandon that´s become his cliched trademark,if not necessarily his true strength as a 英语题,先给20分,做全对追加20分1、The pictures remind me ______ the trip to the West. A、at B、on C、of D、in 2、The classroom was almost empty ______ a desk or two. A、besides B、except for C、except D 英语问题 马上解决加20分 在我心中你永远是最好的英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译人们意外发现格林先生对中国传统艺术有着很高的鉴赏能力.Mr green was ________ _________ ______that he had a good ____for Chinese traditional art. A球由塔顶自由落下,当落下a m时,B球自距离塔顶b m处开始自由下落,两球恰好同时落地,则塔的高度为多少?A .a+b B.2ab/a+b C.(a+b)²/4a D.√a²+b²/2 从斜面上某一位置,每隔0.1s释放一个相同的球.在连续放下n个小球后,给在斜面上滚动的小球拍摄照片,斜面上放下n个球后有四个球,分别为A.B.C.D.AB为15cm,BC为20cm.1.求小球滚动加速度 2. 一物体做匀加速直线运动,0为5米每秒,加速度a为0.5米二次方秒,求1、物体在3秒内的位移 2、物体在第3秒内的位移 含有音标/j/的单词 发j的音标单词有那些 含有音标/j/的单词有哪些?要20个 英语短文2-3句就行,但句子中必须含有以X或Z开头的单词最好是励志的句子 V的音标单词有哪些 找10-20个动物单词(加音标)最好是在人民教育出版社小学英语5年级上册以后学的加中文 二十个动物英文单词加音标搜集二十个动物的英文单词 外带音标 含有音标[ae]的单词要20个!) 帮忙写几句英语口语考试要求自我回答的东东.which do you like better,praise or criticism?Why?Advantages and disadvantages of school education?What do you think are the main reasons that some students cheat on exams?what would you do 英语口语试题,大家帮忙媒体写两到三句回答,1.Is it necessary for a high school student to own a cell phone?GOOD or BAD?2.How do you think of making friends on the internet?3.In your opinion,What is the biggest obstacle in studying Eng 求一英语作文,写一个体育老师,要求200字,尽量用常用的单词 以体育教师的身份,写一篇关于运动的益处英语作文 老师让我们写一篇英语作文大概内容是:我想养一个宠物,妈妈不让,我和妈妈谈心.这篇作文我不会写, Do you know—— about China?快 Do you know 什么什么 about China? 卷子是每道题连接下去拍的 如果我想将‘你觉得这双鞋子怎么样?’和‘你觉得这件衣服怎么样?’用How do you like ...的句型来翻译.那么How do you like 后面该怎么填? 英语作文招聘双语英法体育编辑广告.要求英语流利,具备良好的英语和法语写作水平,精通体育和奥利匹克,有团队精神,年薪10万. 填疑问词 _____ books are there?Theirs.All my classes _____(开始)at 8.00.We have _____ to do after class.A.anything B.any things C.many thing D.many thingsOn Tuesday afternoon ___1__ of us have ___2__ singing class.1、A.any B.one C.some D.t 麻烦一下帮我回答,以下是英语口语题目,帮我回答一下Shopping1 When do you usually go shopping?( in the evening,on weekends,when they are on sale)2 Where do you usually go shopping,supermarkets or department stores?Downtown or incam