
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:13:43
弟子规的解释我要的是解释 口语交际,50字左右现在的时代,是网络的时代.网上学习,网上游戏,网上购物……神奇的互联网似乎无所不能.但正如其他新生事物一样,网络也有一定的“副作用”.我们小学生应如何健康上网呢 弟子规最新解释 弟子规解读弟子规的出处解读 1.口语交际(要快)每个口语交际50字就行了(要快)!作为一名大运小主人,口语交际 最近多地出现旱灾、洪灾,你认为是怎么造成的?有什么办法解决?最近我国经常发生食品问题 ,你对监督食 选择题:A women ____ some books is watching the football match.(A.and B.with C.or) He usually reads some books and play(s)football.Play后的s要不要加上? 八字格的成语有哪些快一些,要30个,一天内完成 八字格成语一夫当关,( ) 百尺竿头,( )三天打鱼,( ) 千里之行,( )四体不勤,( ) 上天无路,( ) 谁知道八字格的成语?废话少说! 八字格的成语一夫当关() 四体不勤()上天无路() 弟子规的总叙,入则孝.出则第.谨.信.泛爱众.亲仁.馀力学文的意思是什么? 怎样能背好弟子规,有快有熟,开学就查,我还差信、泛爱众、亲仁和余力学文.前边的呢,就是背的有点儿不熟,就只有一个月了,希望您能给出点儿招. 《背影》一课中,写道2次父亲过铁道!为什么1次详写,1次略写 一道英语被动语态题Meat______ too long in the oven (烤箱)A is not left B must not be leftC is not to leave D is not being left为什么选B go后面的动词是什么形式 -----it is 9o'clock now.i must go.-----it's raining outside.( ) leave until stops.to not not to do not not 为什么选c stops I’ll just go grab a burger across the street.这句话我怎么感觉存在两个谓语动词go和grab, You must _________ at home.it is raining outside.She said her favorite place _________ the gym.We all think they can do it by themselves because they are ________. 关于英语宾语从句的陈述语序,今天碰到一道关于宾语从句题,老师让我们写的是大致这个,how many countries President Xi has visited?但我认为宾语从句主谓宾应该是这样的,how many countries has President Xi v 培根随笔 1到4则,摘抄2句富有哲理名句并写200字的阅读感受5-8则的9-12则的13-16则的``````每天四则! 文中“望父买橘”的背影最能体现出父亲对儿子的爱,也最让人难忘,作者是如何刻画的? what's your________?(feel) 英语翻译One difficult but essential thing to remeber is to refuse to let other people"s bad manners goad you into retaliating in kind 关于英语宾语从句陈述语序的问题do you kown who was the first to invent the computer let us discuss how can we reach our destination within a short period of time这两句是书上讲宾语从句的例句~可是为什么不是陈述语 4.It ought to be you ____me that signs the letter.A.butB.in spite ofC.rather thanD.rather 我将更坚强,来证明你是错的.用英语怎么说? there are differences between boy's and girl's faovrite subject in school是什么意思 there are differences between boy's and girl's favorite subject at school. He is very k__about wines. 求 团徽.这样的边框.里面的字母黑边框一样的蓝色.边框里的字母:∮y 求图~这种字母体 10 minutes on foot=10minute‘walk么,带 ' 的后面加什么词?