
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 08:49:24
单位电流距的电压损失百分数怎么确定?是不是有计算公式啊 你知道吗 Jenny is ___,so she always does well in heJenny is ___,so she always does well in her schoolwork.那个空填fantastic 还是hard-working 那加形容词还是副词?always后面 “台湾,自古以来就是我国的神圣领土”这句话出自哪儿?在小学寒假作业里面,请写出是哪一课 “瞧,先生们,这盏灯亮些."伯诺德夫人说.改为转述句 l hope You love me as much_as_l love 伯诺德夫人说:“为了有一天能把德国佬赶出去”(改为转述句) hope he is really love you much than me什么意思额 zb 乘飞机到厦门仅花费两个多小时 It will ____you only more than two hours to____to Xiamen____air . There are two baskets of apples by the end of ,后的句子用什么时态 “嫦娥二号”的成功发射,令全国人民为之振奋.(不改变愿意,使句子表达效果更强烈) when most eyes seem to focus only an bottom lines怎么翻译 “嫦娥”二号的成功发射,令全国人民为之振奋.(不敢变原意,使句子表达效果更强烈) “嫦娥一号”终于发射成功.全体工作人员共同努力.(把句子合并成一句话) 英语翻译到底是一天两片还是一片啊 翻译who works only one day in a year but never gets fired 关于by the end I'm sure he'll be back____ the end of this term.A.till B.by C.since D.from 这个为什么选c, Once out of the earth’s gravity,the astronaut is _____ by the problem of weightlessness.A.effected B.intended C.injured D.affected know和know about的区别 know 和know about的区别是know Edison but don't know about him 还是 know about Edison but don't know him我的2位英语老师给了我2个不同的答案...但我认为前者是对的,还有在反义疑问句中,rarely 和seldom算否定词吗 We watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth's gravity increaWe watched,amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earth’s gravity increased.其中的amazed是什么词性?为什么可以这 形容词放在副词的词前词后都可以吗? 这双鞋花费你多少钱 英语的三种表达方式How much___this pair of shoes___you?___the price___this pair of shoes___you?How much___you___ ____ this pair of shoes?用 spend cose pay for三种形式来表达 谁可以在我没有钱的时候给我钱花?朋友?兄弟姐妹?谁回答就必须给我五钱.要不然我我跟你们没完 去越南怎么办手续,费用是多少?另外越南的美女多吧!我带1万块钱去能花多长时间?越南的女人容不容易搞上床? sit、dance现在分词don't、NO.、I'd like、I'll、完全形式aunt、that、her、here对应词Pat所有格she宾格 为什么英国曾被称为“日不落帝国”? 管理道德的最高标准是 A整体利益 B个人利益 C国家利益 D社会利益 现在高三了.原先一直没有好好学英语.也没有英语基础.现在想要提高他.该怎么办? 她昨天不打算去夏令营了用英语怎么说第二种表达方式 ’有些事说不好也做不好‘的英文翻译,尝试用不同的表达方式来翻译,