
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 22:12:41
松柏应该怎么形容? 一道数学分析题+∞ mπ第一步,为什么 ∫.= lim ∫.成立0 m—>+∞ 0 一道数学分析题,设r²=2a²cos2θ在θ=6/π处,求dy/dx 一道数学分析题, 按x的正整数幂,写出函数的展开式至含有指定阶数的项(带皮亚诺余项)(1)arctanx到含x^4 的项(2)tanx到含x^4 的项 一道数学分析题,求助,谢谢!设f(x)=∫ (1→x) lnt/(1+t) dt ,其中x>0,则f(x)+f(1/x)=______. 描写松柏的拟人的4字词语 I dont care ,I am OK Please try to adapt to the life like this ,and you Will find that the man whI dont care ,I am OK Please try to adapt to the life like this ,and you Will find that the man which is the hero in your eyes is not the all of your life Men will (wipe out) all the natural resources if they continue consuming like that.这里的wipe Like a person will hope that man's happiness is oneself 5年级下数学笔算题(分数加减,小数加减,分数乘除) 有争议的非谓语题目,求详解soon ,people hope ,the rains will return and ease the hardship the farmers .A facing B faced C faces D faced with 两题非谓语,求讲解.①She had a very( )when she heard the news.A.disappointed lookB.disappointing lookC.disappointed appearanceD.disappointment look这四项我都糊里糊涂的,求逐项分析.但我选B.我是这样理解的,look?不就 非谓语 要详解 续11 A computer does only what thinking people _____.A.have it do B.have it done C.have done it D.having it done 2 _____ your essay with his,yours was more instructive.A.Compared B.If to compareC.After I compared D.When comparing (1)已知X-Y=-3,XY=-4,求X③-Y③(2)已知a+b+c=0,a②+b②+c②=1,求ab+bc+ca的值(3)已知X+Y=5,X②+Y②=13,求代数式X③Y+2X②Y②+XY③的值(4)已知X②-X-1=0,求代数式-X③+2X②+2009的值*注:②/③:代表二 求人接几道数学题,因式分解4、(x²-y²)-(x+y)²-4(x-y)²5、已知x=二十二分之七十五,y=二十五分之四十四,求(x+y)²-(x-y)²的值6、已知a=747k+997,b=747k+998,c=747k+999,求多项式a²+ 用E=blv推导e=Emsinwt 四个不同的自然数的乘积是1989,四个数的和最大是多少啊? 还是英语非谓语求帮助,The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft ,the most recent __________at the end of last MarthA has been launchedB having been launchedC being launchedD to be launched为什么选B,我选的是A 感生电动势E=BLV,怎么来的? When I handed the report to John,he said that Geoge was the person___.A to send ,B.for sending it,C.to send it to ,D.for sending it to是哪一个?必有重赏 电动势E=BLV中V的具体含义 Seen on top of the mountain,the city looks more beautiful.这句话里"Seen"可以被理解成这城市在山上"被看",所以用Seen而不是seeing吧很多句子和单词都这样..但是遇到了两个题:Considering his age,the little boy read q 请问E=BLv是代表瞬时电动势吗? 求这套卷子所以题目的答案 贝贝在暑假的第一周里完成了全部暑假作业的5分之2,第二周比第一周多完成全部作业的20分之1,贝贝的暑假作业还剩几分之几没完成? 卷子上第10题的答案是什么? 世界上的三大益智玩具有哪三个?最好有图,而且内容要详细 世界三大智力玩具是什么?说具体点, 世界上一共有多少种智力玩具最好 链接个 图片 世界三大智力玩具是什么?我刚才在知道里看到魔方是世界三大智力玩具之一.可是我不知道其他两样是什么? 世界三大智力玩具应该是华容道,九连环,魔方,可是我看走进科学时,他说是魔方,华容道,独立钻石啊那为什么在百度知道上一查都写得是魔方、华容道、九连环啊