
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 01:41:44
Kitty is healthier than Nancy.(保持句意不变)Nancy is_______ ________ ________ _________ Kitty. kitty is shorter than lucy的比较级怎么改 My diet is not healthier than yours.(同义句转换)My diet is _____ _____ than yours. 梦三国官渡之战是什么? 最大的螳螂在哪? 一直箱子中装有若干只蜘蛛和蟋蟀,每只蜘蛛8条腿,每只蟋蟀6条腿,已知箱内的蜘蛛和蟋蟀共有52条腿问:其中蜘蛛和蟋蟀各有多少只? 请教一下给养老院老人的祝福语该怎么写? 老虎和狗熊谁厉害 昨晚睡觉梦到狗熊,但是狗熊没有攻击我,离得很远.而后又梦到了大猩猩. lol猴子和狗熊哪个厉害,团战和单挑更好还有哪个抗打一点 1.His uncle bean to work __the tunnel in 2009.A.out B.with C.for D.on2.There is a railroad __trains between Beijing and Gouzhou.A.of B.for C.at D.on3.The railroad goes__the mountain.A.over B.though C.under D.actor4.There is a big bridge __the wide ri __________can you tell whether a foreigner is english or american -maybe by the way he speaksAwhy Bwhen Cwhere Dhow 为什么 You can tell whether a foreigner is A____ or English by the way he u____ his knife and f___ when e____.They hold their k____ and forks in t____ same way when cutting,but when Americans finish cutting they put the knives d____,transfer the forks to r_ You can tell whether a foreigner is American or English () the way he uses his knife and fork when eating.A.inB.onC.withD.by 有腥味的四脚牲畜是什么? 为什么捕鱼要规定时间? 捕鱼什么时间最佳 中国什么时候开始禁止捕鱼写具体时间 He began to work there____.A.on his fifty B.at the age of fifty C.when he fifty Din his fifties He began to work there ( )A.on his fifty B.at age of fifty C.when he fifty D.in his fifties 从某鱼塘中捕鱼1000条,做好标记后放回,隔一段时间在捕鱼800条,发现其中带标记的有40条,则估计该鱼塘中约有鱼————条 住多少楼以上没有蚊子? 开心网鱼塘怎么出海捕鱼我问的是 怎么才叫 出海捕鱼? 24楼不知道还有没有蚊子,已经住的分享下啊!如题!我买在24楼,不知道要不要封阳台的时候装窗纱? 在自己鱼塘电捕鱼犯法吗?由于塘底地形复杂,电捕鱼成本低.想电捕 养鱼塘里养了一批鱼,第一次捕上来200尾,做好标记后放回鱼塘,数日后再捕上100尾,发现有标记的鱼为5尾,问鱼塘里大约有多少尾鱼?( A.2000 B.4000 C.5000 D.6000 求《孔雀东南飞》赏析人物性格分析、情节详析等都可以!o(∩_∩)o... 赏析《孔雀东南飞》中的兰芝500字左右,结合文段和中心 的赏析和被称为是"乐府双璧",而且更是我国古代最厂的叙事诗之一,那其文学价值究竟体现在哪里,从我们现代人的视角中来看,究竟起是否还可以称的上好? 孔雀东南飞中对焦仲卿母亲,兰芝的母亲和兄弟的评价是什么啊? 飞夺泸定桥的“飞”什么意思 work in the fields 汉意