
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:05:55
英文翻译句子.“人人都喜欢吃美味的食物”Everyone likes eating food______ ______ ______ ______. your favourite food 用中文翻译出他的意思 括号里填什么形式I think (interesting) subject in school is math 根据首字母填空:I think p______ is an interesting subject.There is a big l_____ in our school.A lot of students like borrowing some books from it.F______ ,He worked out the maths problem .She often goes to the teacher'o_______. This subject is interesting.同义句转换This _______ ______ ______ interesting.This _______ ______ ______ subject.抱歉,打错了 I think______ is an interesting subject because i like traveling.A.Chinese B.English C.Geography D.Maths 2008年6月全国英语六级过线分究竟是425还是426? (What speed)was the car doing at the time of the accident?请问这里的What speed怎么理解呢?这种用法有例句吗? He was barely old enough to drive a car at the time of the accident The driver was ___(complete)at a loss of what to do after the car accident 英语选词填空题Tom can ()[answer;solve] the teacher's questions. Mr Smith didn't get there on time because of the bad weather.What's more,his car was in poor ____.A.condition B.situation C.direction D.instruction 英语填空题 If you t_____ your teacher's advice,You'd make great progressIf you t_____ your teacher's advice,You'd make great progressI was so careless that I forgot to check w_________ all the work had been done or not.Look at my new I pad.It's they want to jion the chess club对划线部分提问 那个 the chess club是划线部分_____ _____ _____ they want to _____? Tom Beown is our English teacher.We call him() A.Mr.Tom B.Mr.Brown C.Brown teacher D.teacher Brown they want to ioin the chess club(就划线部分提问)划线部分:the chess club l think the most interesting animals in the zoo are dolphins.翻译 -What would you like to have for lunch,sir?-I'd-What would you like to have for lunch,sir?-I'd like ________ .A.chicken.B.a chicken.C.chickens.D.the chicken. Would you like to have lunch with me 同义句替换 He asked___ A what was the matter B what the matter was 说明理由 What was the matter?这句英语什么意思? that building is a library变成复数形式?请老师们指导 Mary came up to see —— A What was the matter B what the matter was请问选哪一个,为什么? what was wrong what was the matter 等都有哪些变宾语从句时语序不变? what was the matter with him =_____ _____ to him?八年级英语同步上的题目what was the matter with him =_____ _____ to him?八年级英语周报上的题目what was the matter with him =_____ _____ to him?是周报 翻译"The matter is of great importance." Confident is of great importance!这句话有语法错误吗,主语可以用形容词吗 今天是个阳光明媚的早晨. which do you think is the most interesting of those five books.这里为什么用is,动词后面可放系动词的吗? This is one of the most interesting books___shown in the exbiibitionA.was b.that is C.were D.that are讲讲原因 I think it's one of the most interesting tourist sight in Shanghai.改错,保持句意不变 This is the one of the most interesting books ____read by me.A.that has ever beenB.which have ever been这个定语从句中的关系词后的谓语动词的单复数是由什么决定的?应该选什么请说清理由,