
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:07:16
My parents try their best___look after me well It_____jane and mary who helped me the other day.A.is B.was C.are D.were 等闲的同义词是什么 I am very sorry to hear the new对吗 怎么吞噬的?太阳石球体,地球也是球体,球体怎么吞噬球体的? 我有个问题,50亿年后,假如地球不会被变成红巨星的太阳吞噬,地球会灭亡吗?或者怎样灭亡? 地球将来会被太阳吞噬吗? What the man said under oath __ by several other witness.为什么是 was disputed 不是were disputedWhat the man said under oath __ by several other witness.为什么是 was disputed 不是were disputed这个人可能说了很多句话啊? it was mike and bill who helped me with my english 为什么用was而不用were? 我们看海去!我们看海去!蓝色的大海上,扬着白色的帆.金色的太阳,从海上升起来,照到海面照到船头.我们看海去!我们看海去!的作者 大草原草浪轻涌,像是波涛万顷的茫茫大海,那雪莲花般的座座蒙古包恰似大海中的点点白帆.运用了什么修辞手法?有什么好处?照样在写一句. Through that,we realies how hard our parents work every day.的同义句 We should know our parents income since it will helpus understand how hard our parents have to work句子中since的意思,正句如何翻译? It ____ Jack and Mary who helped me the other day.为什么是was,而不是were? 《游子吟》按要求回答问题诗中描写了__,表达了__的感情. 地球什么时候会被太阳吞噬?到时候人类会拯救自己吗? 地球在银河什么位置?太阳什么时候会吞噬地球 She wants to visit China怎么是visit不是visitting? 一、用适当的人称代词填空: 1. __________ is my aunt. We often visit __________. ( she ) 2. China is 如何在一星期之内提高高中英语成绩 现在完成时beforeHe lived there before he moved/come here.这句话before后面是不是现在完成时态(因为填moved或come都可以).请说明理由 如何在美国amazon上买东西?我想在美国amazon上买些东西,但我不要代购的,我想要直接从美国寄来的,请问美国的amazon支持什么方式付款的呀?还有,他要我填地址的,加入我的地址是广东省湛江市赤 上课时该如何做英语笔记? Yesterday they d___ they would join the school speech contest( 比赛 ) . barren很多解释,做常用的是哪个意思?不要复制一大堆的字典解释. barren很多解释,最常用的是哪个意思? barren什么意思 take...to bring...to 地球会不会爆炸?会不会老化到使人类不能再居住在地球上? 熘苹果要哪些材料?如何做熘苹果 把...带到...是用take..to..还是bring..to..这两者有什么区别? 地球自转会变速吗?会,那么一年就不止有366天.最多