
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:43:16
如图所示,∠1+∠2=180°,∠ADB=∠C,DA平分∠BDF.(1)AE与FC会平行吗?说明理由:(2)AE与BC的位置关系如何?为什么? 对了再问你一个 we can get___information 用millions of修饰错在哪里? 怎样才能把英语听力题做对? 此“once”在句中的准确理解"once"在下句中是什么用法?The real function of new inventions will only be known once we discover new ways of thinking about the technology. give.off. 患者生命与法律哪个更重要? incredulous\sceptical如何区分? 判断题 :我国法律主要保护人的生命受到侵害? 关于英语听力的几道题1.What does the man suggest the women?A.Buying a second bicycle B.Buying a used bicycleC.Buying a new bicycle 听力原文:W:I can't decide whether to buy a new bicycle or try to find a second-hand one.M:A new bicycle 1.----thanks for the note you left for me.-----oh,then you did get it.------what had the man assumed?答案是the woman hadn't got his note.为什么?2.weren't you trying to get us all together for a picnic this weekend?------it never really got off 求一道英语听力题.The utmost embarrassment of the early airport person happened to me a few years age when I was flying from New York to Chicago.When I got to the ticket counter,the person there said,“Sir,you have a seat on the 9:15 a.m.flig 兰寇so magic 是什么类型的香水?香水都是怎么分类的?什么淡香之类的谁给能分别介绍一下香奈儿、兰寇、迪奥、ck 中不错的香 最好是留香时间比较长的 Dies ist das Lied 翻译中文? 哥哥姐姐们,随便给我找一道应用题,快 各位哥哥姐姐们,帮俺解决一道应用题~【老银铺】的耳钉打7.5折后,商家仍然可得25%的利润.如果该耳钉是以每件16.8元的价格进的,为该耳钉在货架上的标价是多少? Dj Smash pres[1].fast food - Moscow never sleep... puzzles的单数形式有 children(单数形式) 英语八级 fragrance free是什么意思 尽如人意的近义词和反义词是什么? 尽如人意近义词和反义词 英语八级全国过级率? She says she want to be a m___ and a famous dancer. 陆续,柔弱的反义词.平稳,茂盛,疏远的近义词. 肥沃的反义词与近义词,辛勤的反义词与近义词,茂盛的反义词与近义词. general trading company是什么意思 冯玉祥简介 冯玉祥是如何死的? 英语:这里的take...case...表示接受,Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt这种极端的事例虽不可全信 other\got\team\thirty-six\The\points\. “布鲁塞尔第一公民”塑像蜚誉全球,如今上海也有不少城市雕塑出现在我们的视线之中他们往往寄寓着某种象征,在你的记忆中,又有哪些雕像留下了痕迹呢?如果让你来选择一尊进行描写,你