
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 06:59:11
谁帮我写一篇(为XX喝彩的作文)太难各位哥哥姐姐帮我 谁能解释英语writing for the web and writing for print这两者的不同请问各位谁知道这是什么意思或者能解释它们的不同 Who painted himself for forty years? 英语翻译手触屏,感应区 Every school has its own rules是什么意思 含有海纳百川意思的字. 妈妈去买菜英文 妈妈为我做了许多菜用英语说我写Mum cooks lots of food for me.为什么错的?一定要回答我为什么错的, 三道高中英语同义句转换It's believed that the leader was kidnapped by some illegal organization abroad=The leader __ __ __ __ by some.abroadFixing her eyes on the opposite wall,she did not answer me immediately =__ __ __ __ __ the opposite 高中英语的同义句转化The question seems to be quite simple to me 2. ____ _____ to me ____ the question is quite simple 带书字的彦语 I am what I am because of who we all are.这句如何翻译比较好呢? 一家纺织厂女工占工人总数的八分之五,后来又调来30名女工,这时的女工人书是男工人数的2倍.现在厂里有几名工人? 有一个两位数,十位上的数字是个位上的数字的3分之2.十位上的数字比个位上的数字少3.这个两位数是多少?要算式,条理清楚. ()the computers() in the factory,these computers are of quite good quality.A comparing with madeB comparing with makingC compared with madeD compared with making 11只李子的重量等于2只苹果和一只桃子的重量,2只李子和一只苹果的重量等于一只桃子的重量,那么,一只桃子的重量等于( )只李子的重量. All of the children are good at making model cars.A)do well in B)are going on C)are interested in D)are pleasd with Mike doesn't watch TV.这句话对吗? (单选,填空,同义句,要解析.)一用所给单词的适当形式填空⒈As soon as he ____(come)back,I'll tell him when you ___(come)and see him.⒉They say that it ___ (be) a fine day tomorrow.二选择正确答案⒊-Did you tell Anna the 翻译Well,actually,I'rather you didn't Lucy____(doesn't/don't) watch TV now.选词填空.答案是don't.我觉得哪个也不对,应该用isn't吧 英语中什么叫分词?什么叫及物动词 什么叫不及物动词 不及物动词+ 动名词不及物动词 不是不能直接加宾语吗?那go swimming go hunting 呢 我查了字典 这种用法的状态下go 字典里是作为不及物动词的 及物动词有动名词,不及物动词有没有动名词嘞? divide相关的短语divide 的短语 英语翻译新的一天,新的生活.愿你的笑容像阳光一样灿烂,愿所有的美好一直陪伴在你左右! W's stock is trading at a price-earnings ratio of 16.5--a 16% discount to that os B index.如何翻译啊! H e __________all his money to buy a new bike. A.saved B.spent C.make D.earnedspend也可以用不定式 那些细菌和真菌在日常生活中利用比较多? everystudent+ 动词单数 or复数?none of them+动词单数 or复数? 口技 运用了什么的修辞手法