
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 17:13:11
she could not see anything any more.同义句 给我写一篇夏天的旋律(别太长啊)谁答的最好,这个分就是谁的 七年级下册《夏天的旋律》6个节气的景色,特点,情感.好的再加分. she could notsee anything means she could see ( ) 夏天的旋律春天还未来得及用花环打个句号,夏天就用滚滚的雷声另起一行了.这就是突如其来的春夏之交吗?就像飘忽的柳絮一样,一切都那么突然和短暂.只一夜功夫,就“红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉” she could hear(),but he could not see() A nothing,anything B something,something C anything,anything Dsomething,anything he could not see anything改同义句 find true 雾蓝色羽绒服配什么颜色的围巾、帽子?本人男生 有关于清明节去大帽山扫墓的作文.至 一定少 要是自 500 己想 个 至少500个字!一定要是自己想的! 英语翻译其三 道丧向千载,人人惜其情.有酒不肯饮,但顾世间名.所以贵我身,岂不在一生.一生复能几 倏如流电惊.鼎鼎百年内,持此欲何成. 笠帽山埋得是什么烈士是打仗的? 请问,核电站是不是建在帽子山啊,彭泽县到帽子山有没有班车做啊,镇里有没有住宿的 品析句子并且仿写品析句子:在心灵的花园 里,播下宁静,岁月悠悠,潮起潮落,你将收获一片绚丽.仿写:播下宁静,你将收获一片绚丽.播下( ),你将收获( ) Lifetime love a 我想问一生只爱一个女人的英文句子是什么. 如何从描写手法的角度品析句子 what's the ___ with you?I'm not ___ well .I have a cold.A:What's the ___ with you?B:I'm not ___ well .I have a cold.A:_____ did it start?B:About one day ago .A:That's too bad ,you ___ drink lost of water and rest.B:I think so.A:I __ you feel better s What's wrong with you?I have a cold._____ _____ have you beeen like this?:填空在后面一句是:For two days.句中不是"beeen",而是“been” —what's the m___with you — l have a cold 《中秋赏月》阅读理解答案文章结束给人以没完卷的感觉,根据文意用1.2句话补写一个结尾 关于描写同学外貌片段 I _____(not think)___(be)you.What's the matter with you How_____you______(learn) about secrets ...I _____(not think)___(be)you.What's the matter with youHow_____you______(learn) about secrets According to me,nobody has let it outAccording ti the plan 雾的特点 如何改:"What's wrong with you?What's the matter with you?Whit's the trouble with you?"The doctor asked 为间接引语 描写同学外貌的段落 描写同学外貌的段落男的给点新意 十七等分圆就是高斯证出来的,谁有哪方面的书, “他请我喝酒.”用英语怎么翻译? Do you know what's the matter?这个句子中的what's the matter是宾语从句没错吧?但是为什么不是疑问语序 山似莲花艳,流如明月光.是什么意思?乐府诗.这两句是什么意思? 山似莲花艳,流如明月光,一联才用了什么修辞手法 “山似莲花艳,流如明月光”一联采用了什么修辞手法