
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 19:30:47
Taylor Swife you belong with me MV里面的英文 就是男女主角用本子写的那些英文,那位知道怎么意思 为什么蟑螂的生命力那么顽强? 英语写一篇100字的短文要求 1.人类面临的问题(如自然灾害,疾病,污染,人口等)2.悲观的看法(如人类将无法生存)3.人类的智慧和出路4.标题"man is to survive" 谁能帮我写一篇牧羊狗的英文作文,不用太长,写它来自哪、吃蔬菜还是肉,喜欢做什么运动、长的怎么样, 找一篇描写宇宙的英语文章,简单易懂,不要太长好的话会再加分虽然不要太长 但也不要太短 读个3分钟就够了 1986年国际和平年的壹圆硬币有什么意义快 帮我写一篇英语文章..不用太长..好的有追加...用以下这几个单词写,一个都不能少..important重要的alert机警的fitness center健身中心equipment器材saying谚语blood血液fridge电冰箱high school高中...不用太 用i:来写一篇英语小短文,就是这个短文中有许多单词发i:,短文不要太长, 修改病句:爷爷津津有味的讲述旧社会的苦难生活. 奶奶津津有味地讲述旧社会的苦难生活.(修改病句) 爷爷津津有味地讲述旧社会的苦难生活.改病句, 英语翻译1 三天假期a three-day holidaythree days‘ holiday这两种表达 应该都可以,第一个,前面 的 a 如果不加行么?2 三天的假期,我觉得太短了,所以我没有外出旅行3 你能有三天假期就很棒了,我们一 放假3天去哪玩 我教六年级快过年了我想写一幅对联贴在我班门口体现难忘母校的内容 防的组词请帮我下:防怎么组词啊?急... 防能组什么词?要三个两字词,一个四字词,常用一点的. 带有"防"字的组词预防治疗叫保护自身不受侵害叫预先设法制止坏事发声叫 come me here.是病句吗?为什么是病句?说明原因谢谢 我是一个六年级的小学生 马上就要告别母校和老师了 帮我写一篇告别母校的作文作文里提到一些老师 要很深沉的 最好读了能哭那样的 送给学生的对联,急.对了,不要太长.至少6个 Cambridge,Tower Bridge. 答案是A告诉我为什么啊把句子写的完整好吗? without the air to hold some of the sun's heat,the earth at night___,too cold for us to live. A would be freezing cold B will be freezing coldly C would be frozen cold D can freeze coldly说 答案是D告诉我为什么啊把句子写的完整好吗?if violence is _____ of a problem,we will live anything but a happy life.A less B little C few D more 防组词有哪些 答案是B告诉我为什么啊把句子写的完整好吗?it was nearly an hour____ the sleeping pill ____effect.A when,took B before ,took C since,had D before,had 答案是C告诉我为什么啊把句子写的完整好吗?our tv sets sell well,but ten years ago no one could have imagined such a big share in the market that they____.A were having B had had C were to have D had 1.I got back to school without my keys and my backpack.2.On Sundays I'm very exhuasted because I often stay up real late.3.I made some flashcards to remember as much words as I could. There has been a ______ lack of communication between the union and the management.A.regretful B.regrettable C.regretting D.regretted原因 Please give an example of communication problems between Chinese and Westerners.额...我懂英文,我要的是例子。请举例,并且,在你看来,应该怎么解决。小的先谢过了! Between us,why there is a series of problems? There are a lot of problems (产生于)lack of communication.(arise) 写句子!不要,老师,我,