
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:17:19
求极限x趋于0时:lim xlnx/(1-cosx)=?我想分母1-cosx~½X² 就变成2limlnx/x 那limlnx/x=∞?2乘∞不是∞吗? 小学六年级北师大语文上册近义词、反义词查询. 急求北师大版六年级上册(第11册)语文第八单元前两课(墨竹图题诗和苍松怪石图题诗)的所有反义词! ( ) your brother likes thrillers.注意是句号 北师大版六年级语文上册《做一个最好的你》课文最后一段的修辞手法有哪些? 好难啊 谁能做啊 这个好难啊 如下,好难啊已知AB平行于CF,∠AEB等于∠B,∠D等于∠DEC,点E在AC上,试说明BE垂直于DE I want to ________ the rock bank.A.can B.fillA.can B.fill C.join what is the most unforgettable event at college.要给我简单容易回答的答案,我还没毕业,但不知道哪些令人难以忘记的大学事件. do you want to be_______the school band?come and join us(介词) 小红每天帮奶奶扫地,奶奶想要给她钱,她不要,奶奶生气了.你说该怎么办? 那个正在扫地的老奶奶用英语怎么说 信誉扫地的意思 铁轨的另一边 THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TRACKS怎么样 王熙凤为什么要叫王熙凤啊?还有、描写王熙凤的诗是哪一首 自我介绍真的好难啊爱,不知道自己能不能过了,这次自我介绍 My aunt often _______every day.A cooks eggs to us B cooks us for eggs C cooks eggs for us D A and C为什么 关于莲的成语 作文:拥抱 600字 出自项羽的成语16个 项羽出自哪部四大名著 英语(根据句意写出单词)Happy New Year!The ____ to you. 请问这些英文什么意思 this update utility cannot be used for your PDA phone. both cash and credit card cannot be used in this village这个句子的错误处 海洋大世界的水族箱里有螃蟹和乌龟共24只,他们的脚共156只,螃蟹和乌龟各多少只 This exercise is ____ difficult ____.A.so ; that few of us can do itB.too ; for anyone of us to do为什么答案是A?B 错在哪儿? This exercise is so difficult that few of us can do it.为什么后面的it 不能省略? This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it.这句话算错吗? This exercise is too difficult for anyone of us to do it有何错?去掉句末it还是错的.到底错哪了? Love is not fearful,you cannot extricate themselves是什么意思 YY黄马简称是什么