
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:04:19
有一段DNA序列数据,如何快速的知道该序列对应基因及其功能? 请问诸位大侠,用2-ΔΔCT求基因的相对表达,数据一般在多少倍才有意义? 英语翻译1.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的,改变能改变的,接受不能改变的.2.如果敌人让你生气的话,说明你还没有胜他的把握.3.如果朋友让你生气的话,说明你还在乎他的友情.4.有些事情我们无法 总是,一直 用英语怎么说 "说好的陪我到老!"用英语怎么说? 为什么西方文明发源于爱琴海 初三的一道英语练习题[保持原意]I don't know l can get to the nearest supermaket.I don't know________ ________ get to the nearest supermaket.另外再想问下碰到这种题型要怎么做. 11/9乘x+2/7=2/9x-5/7怎么解 亚飞古代文明发源地和欧洲古代发源地地理环境有什么不同 分析比较世界五大古文明起源的地理环境条件 i usually have noodles ____my breakfast.哪个or,as,to,with 英语翻译老外给我发了封信信中有几句话我不太懂麻烦谁能帮个忙:另外这三句话帮我想个回复1.She has also worked for two years as a volunteer on our local rescue squad.She is a licensed emergency medical technician. Plan one's lessons神马意思?英语不好!急,嘛意思 谁给我发点电影啊!呵呵都懂啊 我就不明说了 好的话追加分的啊1204914002@ They did nothing to protect the wild animals.(同义句转换)They ___ ___ ___to protect the wild animals need some help中help为什么是动词不是应该是名词吗, How would you deal with the money if you__(give)one million dollars?为什么用were given? 英语翻译1.在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们意见很不一致.2.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚.3.他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息. 我可以抱你吗.英文怎么说 如果有人给你一百万美元,你将如何处理这笔钱How would youdeal with the money if you____one million dollars.为什么要填were given 这是什么时态啊 请详解 我可以抱你吗?英文怎么写 Which animals are live only in the sea?改错 “我可以抱你吗” 用英语怎么写? 1.There are several love monkeys in the ZOO改错题!2.EVery morning.Anna gets earlyand chase the early busto work.3.Our house is just several mile from the ocean.4.Last weekend.I went to a picnic with my parents. 改错 There are some monkeies in the zoo还有 Mary have a blue skirt. 完成2.3.4题,是填空题 3.4两道填空题 英语保持原句意义1Both Eric's father and her mothr are teachers at a high school.(保持原句意思) -------- --------- Eric's father --------- ----------her mother-----------a teacher at a high school.2.He spent three hours playing basketb 英语保持原句意思can you tell me the way to the maglev stationcan you tell me ______ the maglev station_____l learn the importance of englishl learn _________ ________english isdo you know what the word meansdo you know the_______ _________the 英语一道保持原句意思George began to learn computer when he was ten.George ______ begin to learn computer _______ he was ten. 作为一个交换生你最大的挑战是什么英语翻译 是一位正在英国进行为期一年学习的交换生”用英文翻译怎么翻译