
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:36:32
2010年河南公共英语三级的成绩什么时候能出来如题,今天3月末考的.什么时间能出成绩呢? be 的过去式、现在分词、单数第三人称Thanks! be 的第三人称单数,现在分词,过去式. 过去进行时+when+过去时造句快,急用啊、、初二的 英语翻译Bob‘s mom is mad.His room is in a mess!She says,"Clean your room!"Bob puts his toys under his bed.Bob puts his dirty clothes under his bed.Bob puts his book under his bed.He says,"My room is clean now." 关于健康饮食方面的英语作文.,怎么办呢? when引导时间状语从句时,其后能用过去进行时吗?为什么?When I was reading,I heard a noise in the garden. 用同音字组词:比如:he(四声音) 喝(喝彩) 和(和平)贺(贺年)有多少写多少,好的多加分. 吉林省2010 6月份 英语三级 成绩下来了吗 怎么查询 现在在哪能查英语三级成绩,吉林的 Mary wants to know where does Bob lives. 谁来帮我分析一下句子结构: Mary wants to know where Bob lives. where does Bob live?Mary wants to know改为同意句 mary wants to know where bob live,live加s吗 求Mary wants to know where Bob live.中的语法知识 同音字组词, 英语作文 健康饮食的重要性150字 when和while的区别 ______when______.when前面是过去时还是过去进行时?while呢? 关于中学生如何健康饮食英语作文 多音字,同音字,形近字组词各20组 形近字,同音字组词(各两个)赫,灼,瘸,痹,猝,眩,瘫,痪,糕,髓,哮,援,郎,凌 先写形近字,同音字,再组词滔( )__( )喻( )__( ) 蕴( ) ( )( )( )( )( )(形近字组词) ( ) ( )( )( )(同音字组词)谢谢急用, !!! 5英语 英语1—5 1-5英语谢 峭( )( )()( )()( )(形近字组词) ()( )()( )(同音字组词) 1到5,英语 英语定语从句中where which that问题This increased mobility of sikill workers,many of whom will be self-employed,will bring increasing demands for more variety,self-reliance,and choice in the way _______ employee insure themselves.(A)where (B) 躯( ) ( )( )( )( )( )(形近字组词) ( ) ( )( )( )(同音字组词) 英语where 和 which / that 在引导从句中的用法的区别.如下几道英语语法填空题,i wil never forget the days—— i spent with your family.Do you still remember the place --------we visited last week.在空格处填上 1.that / wh 定语从句的where和that的用法区别在定语从句中,发现有时候好象明明先行词是地点,关系代词却是that..很混淆,不知道什么时候用where什么时候用that PS:只要where和that,别复制一大串无关的来,我