
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:43:01
其实人生就是不停息的旅途,不在乎终点在哪里,只在乎沿途经历了哪些风景.来个资深英语翻译,请勿工具翻译.大哥麻烦帮帮忙翻译下.谢谢... I have lots of homework every day.And I don't have enough time___(sleep) I think have enough time for sleep is good for health.对不 I think he can finish doing the work on time改为同义句,I think he will ___ ____ ____finish doing the work on time 英译中one out of four翻译一个句子 one out of four Americans eventually caught the life-threatening disease.中的one out of four 人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向.这句话是谁说的? Some young people are not happy with their______(the way people look)单词填空 Now that we’ve discussed out problem,are people happy with the decisions -------------?需要完整解答A.taking B.take C.taken D.to take every four years 和each four years哪一个对说明理由 Can you help me with my English?Sorry,but Linda is good at it,you can ask()for help. every four years和every fourth year一样吗? I'm sorry,____I can't help you with your homework.A.and B.but C.or D.then every two years 和every other year的区别? every fourth year和every four years一样吗 人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向!你认为是对还是错? 对这句“人生不在于你所站的位置,而在于你所朝的方向”的看法.现在我听到或者看到这句话的时候,我在内心都有一种无法形容的感觉!在上大学之前没有过这种感觉,那时认为这句话很励志, 翻译3.I taught them some Chinese songs,and in return they left many gifts. 英语翻译There are many wetlands(湿地) in China and some of them have become the world‘s important wetlands.The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them.They are in Yancheng,Jiangsu Province.They are home for many different kinds of bird love is always aroud us.怎么翻译 --I don't know the meaning of the new word.--Use your d__.It can help you. Help:what's the meaning of the sentence?请帮我看看这句话的意思,要解释得准确些Please remember us to your cousin Bob. We are happy ________you _______a farewell party for our friends form Beijing .A .invite ,toWe are happy ________you _______a farewell party for our friends form Beijing .A .invite ,to B .to invite ,join C .inviting ,to D .to invite ,to If you know the meaning of this sentence,reply me as quickly as possible.Then I will choose your answer! We are happy to i____ you to a farewell party for our friends from Britain. 1.Please ask the teacher________help if you don't know the answer 用介词填空2-What do you want to do?-I want ____________.A. see a movie B.to see movie C.to see a movie D.to see a movies3.I don't have any_______,but I thi I'm very happy _____(invite)you to the farewell party 我的英语不好,尤其是听力,买了一个ipod shuffle用来听英语, but it looks like girl's! He wanted to know how to help others和He wanted to know how to help others的区别如题 关于原级、比较级和最高级的一些句子汉译英1.Tom比Sam沉稳点儿.Tom is ___ ___ ___ than Sam.2.今年夏天的雨水不像往年那么多.There isn't ___ ___ ___ this year ____ last year.3.Lucy和Lily一样擅长体育运动.Lucy i 原级比较级最高级句子3个句子一组,一共10组 I don't know who can I talk to for help同义句转换为什么?I don't know who to talk for help行吗如果说who to talk to for help 我认为最好不要改变题意,不一定是问,也肯能为谈话 可是两个介词应该不可以吧