
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 04:50:50
根据句意和首字母提示填单词完成句子Our history teacher,Mr Hu is f_____,we enjoy his classes.Music is r_______.Listen to some music when you are tired.I like s_______,it's difficult,but interesting.M______ is short for mathematics.His 根据句意和首字母提示写单词完成句子.O---- l is National Day.These pants are too l------ for me.Do you have some short ones? 奥运会一场排球赛多长时间 如图14,在△ABC中,AB=AC,AD是BC边上的中线,△ABC的周长为50cm,△ABD的周长为40cm,求AD的长. 英语根据句意即首字母提示完成单词(.为填空单词)1.The baby is first front t. are just coming through2.On Friday,many students are t. after a long week of classes.这两个句子答案不一样 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC,AD⊥BC于D,且三角形ABC和三角形ABD的周长分别为50cm,40cm,则AD=还有解此类题的技巧 蓝藻细胞壁成分? 蓝藻有无细胞壁? 蓝藻细胞壁由什么构成,肽聚糖,糖和蛋白质的关系 对于蓝藻细胞壁的疑问蓝藻的细胞壁和细菌的细胞壁的化学组成类似,主要为肽聚糖细胞壁分内外两层,内层是纤维素的,少数人认为是果胶质和半纤维素的,外层是胶质衣鞘以果胶质为主,或有 已知a^m=4,a^n=5,那么a^3m-2n=? 已知a的m+n方=6;a的3m+2n方=72求:a的m-n方的值 已知a^m=2,a^n=4,求a^3m-2n 蓝藻细胞内有没有染色体?说清楚一点染色体与染色质有何不同 能在蓝藻细胞发生的过程请问有哪些.高中部分学的.这个我当然知道.那固氮方面呢? 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词,完成句子1,France is a country in E_____ while China is an Asian country.2,- would you please tell me something about a f_____ western dinner Party?-no problem.3,He opened the envelope ,u____ the letter a 根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子1.Jackie Chan and Let Li are s________ action movie actors.2.Does Ben's sister want to go to a m________?3.Mrs Brown likes comedies and she likes Beijing O________.4.We all think thrillers are very 有12支球队参加排球比赛.问题一:先得12支球队分成3个小组,每个小组内的两支球队要比赛一场,小组赛一共要举行多少场?问题二:每组前两名进入下一轮比赛,进入第二轮比赛的共有多少支球 排球赛(数学题)要组织一次排球赛,参赛队每2个比一场.根据场地和时间条件.比赛计划7天,每天比4场,因邀请几只队伍参加? 双曲线C经过点P(-3,2的根号3),并且与双曲线C :16x^2-9y^2=144有共同的渐近线,求双曲线C的方程 根据句意及首字母提示,写出单词完成句子Let's fly kites this SundayIt s___goodThis pen is too e___.I can't buy it.We went camping yesterday,and we slept in a t___It's going to rain.Please take your r___.We went on a t___ to Beijing las 根据下列句意及首字母提示写单词完成句子.There were two c__called johann strauss.We were tired so we r__at home. 根据句意及单词首字母的提示,完成句子.1.I am riding a c___ in the park.2.The girl in a b___ skirt is my sister. 1.(3m+2n)^2-4(m-n)^2 2.3a(a+b)^2-27ab^2 求与双曲线16X的平方-9Y的平方=144有相同的渐近线,并且经过点P(-3,2根号3)的双曲线方程 根据句意以及首字母填单词,完成句子where do you p______to go during the vacation?I'mgoing to Sanya.we have p.e.t___a week,on tuesday and friday. sinA是sinB,cosB的等差中项 sinC是sinB,cosB的等比中项 证明cos4C-4cos4A=3 等腰三角形ABC的周长是16厘米,底边BC上的高是4厘米,面积是多少? 等腰三角形ABC的周长为16,底边BC的高为4,则S△ABC= 已知等腰三角形ABC的周长是36厘米,底边BC长为10厘米`求此三角形的面积.运用初2的学习方法``勾股定理`来运算 根据句意及单词首字母提示完成句子1.The c ( )is called'the ship of 'desert' 已知等腰三角形ABC的面积是5,底边上的高AD是根号5,求它的周长