
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 17:00:20
should it come to war.全句为 Even with new submarines and planes,Vietnam and the Philippines are still no match for Asia’s new superpower,should it come to war. She came out with a big smile,______very pleased with her performance in the contest.请问为什么填looking 而不是looked ..感觉应该是别人看上去觉得她很高兴..所以是被动的... i found it vital to pick up the matreial fast with every last bit of concentration 枪炮与玫瑰的《don`t cry》MV是讲的什么意思? 枪与玫瑰的don't cry 我看MV没有看懂啊? _lev_n补全单词 一个英语并列成分的语法问题She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table.自学导读里说 leave 和come 为并列成分,这可以理解,因为动作执行者都是hi when you reached Chengdu和when did you reach chengdu有啥区别题目Could you tell me-----?Of couse,lastnight. 风将记忆吹成了碎片 而我还在吗没人能回答的问题 some可以和哪些两个空的单词互换 英语翻译一种仪表,可是不知道到底怎么翻译···· sol lev.low怎么翻译 关于画画的作文画画的过程要具体,特别是动作的描写,心理活动和整个画面的描写.其实我自己也会写,只是想看看更好的作文,好吸取教训. 美妙反义词 关于现在完成时的几个问题It______ _______(become) a modern city since two years 这边好象是该填 has become.是吗?但是有人问能不能填 has being或has been.可不可以帮忙解释下呢The development of this city _____ __ 6.Parents sometimes feel that they have no influence ___ their children .用介词填空 Black d_ them into two groups and tanght them to sing the song.是填 把...分成 因为字错闹的笑话从中感受到什么的作文 帮我分析下这里that的用法..And the vast majority of scientists attribute the changes to greenhouse gases,both natural from water vapor and man-made from burning fossil fuels,that trap heat in the lower atmosphere. 分析that用法Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust,that most valuable of economic assets,is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore.整个句子的结构明白,但不清楚这句插入语“,that most valuable of 改错According to a study of fistborn children,children whose mothers expect them to learn very litAccording to a study of fistborn children,children whose mothers expect them to learn very little as infants develop more slow than children whose mot 梦见在水里用网捞鱼啥意思 长时间的记忆是指多少时间以上的记忆 我梦见我女儿大概还只有5-6岁,然后看到女儿掉进水里,淹死了抱上岸来,我一直哭直到哭出声音来,醒了.(现在女儿25岁,不太在自己身边).我很紧张! 浴巾英语怎么说 热点市民报纸新闻话题? 热点市民报纸话题新闻? wrong是什么意思呢? wrong什么意思 wrong是什么意思? ,可以回答我吗? wrong啥意思?