
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:33:41
手工制作的作文 (做的是金蝉)我们班做了一项手工制作——金蝉 请专门老师教的 帮我写一篇记述文(我已开始不熟练,后来做得很好) 十分钟内回复追加十分! 先来个小制作的具体解说,然后再来个小论文阐述小制作. 自制葡萄酒 作文 适当词填空must、have to 、can、can't、could、couldn't、may、mightI forgot to ring Mr.White,so I ____do it today.It is my day off so I____spend a few hours with my friends.If we wave to him,he____give us a lift.Mother says that we 英语作业用所给词的适当形式填空1Though he is young,he is as ——(forget)as an old man.2He doesn't know the _(different) between these two two words3It's said that there were several ___(die)in the road accident4Listening to music What do you call me have thing 这句话有错吗 如果没错 英语what do you thing是什么意思? What thing do you 已知直线y=kx+b经过点(k,2)和(1,k),则k的值为( ) 已知直线y=kx+b与直线y=-2x平行,且过(1,2),则k=,b= 直线Y=KX+2交X轴,Y轴于A,B.若S△AOb=1,则K= 一会儿以前花园里有两只小鸟 用英语怎么说 请教个英语问题:他刚刚发现有两只小鸟站在树上.能不能帮忙翻译一下?顺便解释下语法?目前我的翻译是:he found two birds stood on the tree just now. 我觉得有点问题~求大侠指点!前面用了found 后面 你把那两只小鸟照下来了吗?用英语怎么说 I have been waiting for you You are the one I have been looking for! I am waiting for you.和I have been waiting for you.的区别 Baby I am willing to wait as long as you have been happy to wait I have been waiting for you ,翻译成中文, 四级听力要怎么提高啊 我现在长对话要听三遍才能有把握啊 还有一个月就考了我现在四级单词背了一半 听力买了本星火的做 听什么提高四级听力四级考了很多次了 快没机会了 好苦恼啊 四次了 都是390多400零几 写作和综合总是提高不了 都在40多和80多之间徘徊 而听力和阅读总是轮流高低 去年阅读168 听力119听力 昨天花园里有两只小鸟 翻译 I have an important thing to tell you.什么意思快点啊~越快越好 急!请老师解答几个英语问题!Come on.l have an important thing____ youCome on.l have an important thing____ you.A.to tell B.telling C.tell D.toldThere are two books here;_____is Lilyˊs and _____is Lusyˊs.A.other;others B.one;the other C.an listen ,i have () to tell you Asomething importance B something important Cinportant somethingD nothing important为什么选A I have an interesting thing( )you 是an important thing还是a important thing 四级听力前7分钟应当怎么分配阅读题目,是看短对话 还是 passage? 请问四级听力之前有多少时间看题?我听力比较差,那些长的只有看过一遍题,大概猜出说的什么才能听懂·,要不完全不知说的什么.所以最好之前把题都看一遍, 英语阅读短文,用适当形式填空 一篇小英语阅读短文,按时形式填空!@_@ 今年英语四级怎么办啊?烦死了,上次还差3分,唉,这次又要心惊动跳一回,求安慰!