
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 18:39:29
Ask your frend some question about a place he|she visited last time.And the describe it翻译 面对人生的第一次选择,我们应该如何把握呢面对未来的竞争,你认为中学生应该具备那些素质才能爬到较好的方向和高度. 勐腊县勐满镇勐满村哥山虎村 “人生若只初次相见”怎么理解? 地球上最深的海底达到多少米? 1.我想知道地球上最深的海洋有几米深.2.中国到日本之间的海洋最深是几米. 地球上最深的海底有多少深? 地球最深的海洋有多深? 地球的最深海洋里有没有怪物 福州06年至10年年均气温和年降水量哪里差?哪里查 What___ (go on )in your house when I ____(call) on you last night?I ___(ring)the bell there times,but you____ (not answer) the door .Judging from the noise that ___(come) from the sitting room ,I___(think)you must___ (have)a party. “呢”字读“ne”音时能不能组词, 夸还读哪个音并组词 “冯”还读什么音,组什么词 古中国、古印度、古巴比伦这三个地区之所以能成为人类文明发祥地的主要原因是什么? 为什么古代印度成为人类文明发祥地之一 All the books cost me 365 yuan 改为同义句 “告原山地抬升”为什么能增加地区降水量? So when you have money谁能帮我翻译一下 I didn't have any money ______taxi when I came bI didn't have any money ______taxi when I came back home last night.A.withB.forC.AtD.By 古希腊文明是源自古巴比伦文明吗? she is one many good examples to teenagers through the story of a brave girl The watch cost me 500 yuan?同义句是什么,各位帅哥靓女们,帮个忙! The camera cost him 1,800 yuan.(保持原句意思不变).He ____ 1,800 yuan _____ this camera.He ____ 1,800 yuan _____ this camera.He ____ 1,800 yuan _____ _____ this camera. With Father 's Day around the corner ,I have taken some money out of the bank ____选buying错在哪里?不是主动用ing吗? 慈禧太后为什么像八国联军宣战.是正确的还是错误的 英语主被动的问题 I have taken some money out of the bank to buy ……全国卷一道题 I have taken some money out of the bank to buy ……这里 have taken,这里取钱不是主动的行为吗,可是要说成钱被取出来也是可以理 慈禧曾经是否遭到过八国联军的蹂躏 John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather __ with them to school.1had taken 2took为什么选1 有人认为甲午战争及八国联军之役的失败,慈禧责任最大,你同意吗?同意应该怎样写? 地球上海底最深的是哪?有多深 根据首字母填空:There are some great s ___ in the restaurant today .