
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 13:54:07
The old man took the little girl by ( )hand and they went down the street .A her B a C the D,that要详细的原因 《尖子生》的一个题 The young man took the little girl to__《尖子生》的一个题The young man took the little girl to______ (safe). The little girl * her seat to an old man ont he bus 为什么选offered而不选gave是on the bus the little girl ( ) her seat to an old man onthe little girl ( ) her seat to an old man on the busA.brought B.gave C.offered D.lent 旷课的英语怎么说旷课的英语单词怎么拼写 The sun is much bigger than any______ A.planet B.planets C.stars D.a planet The Yellow River isThe sun is much bigger than any______A.planet B.planets C.stars D.a planetThe Yellow River is one of _____ in China.A.the longest rivers B.the longest rive “逃课”用英语怎么说?谢 The children take turns ___into the meeting roomA:getting B;in getting C ;to get 14:下列描述中,只有( )错误的.1.JSP提供了多种语言支持 2.JSP提供了多种平台支持 3.JSP采取编译执行的方式,极大的提高了运行性能 4.JSP提供跨平台支持,也可以在UNIX下执行 15:Servlet程序的 The sun is much nearer to us than any other star.请翻译这个句子. 下面的句子中有四个错别字,把它们找出来填人表中,然后改正.家乡的后山长满了松树,大风一吹,松滔滚滚,那声音常使我在睡梦中也能隐隐感到自然带来的震憾.但是,自上世纪九十年代后期起, 找出下列句中的四个错别字,并改正.它的山顶坡陡崖鞘,峰石突芜,十分险竣,但山腰以下渐趋平缓,松柏森郁,草莽绵联. if you happened to see an old man injured in an accident and lying in a street,what would you do?用 Mary heard someone sing songs in the next room when she got home.这句话有错误的地方吗 they are ______each other. A talking to B talking with我认为with更合适,可是答案却是to.不解 Look!They are talking______each otherA不填 Bof Cto Din 什么样的读书法才是正确的? 读书之法在,什么,什么 .I,around,an,man,when,was,down,fall,walking,the,saw,station,I,old 用所给单词的正确形式填空.1.The sun is much ( )(near)the Earth than the other stars.2.You mustn't look ai the sun .It's bad for ( )(you)eyes.3.In fact the sun is the ( )(big)thing in our solar system.4.The Earth is 1.he found an old lady falling down to the ground 2.an old man fell down on the ground为什么 1.的句子是to the ground 2.的句子是on the ground? I saw an old man k_____ down by a car yesterday.时态是什么 DOING? 第(1)~(2)告诉我写了 书面表达初三:what would you do if an old man fell down? 急需一篇英语作文 what would you do if an old man fell down 1,2,3, 例子1.在窗体内创建文本框和按钮分别命名为Text1和command2在命令按钮下输入代码dim a as 整形a = text1.textmsgbox "输入的是:"&a测试时为什么问报错呢?类型不匹配 错误13求出 VB中的 dim是什么意思了`` 急` 现在剑桥雅思5-8那本书最有代表性?现在剑桥雅思那本书最有代表性?难度能否排个序列?尤其是阅读 有几道题做不来,请大哥大姐帮个忙!请大哥大姐帮个小忙!我明天就要交作业!请大家把过程打出来!1.用一个两位数除1170,余数是78,求这个两位数.2.71427和19的积被7除,余数是几?3.各位数字不同的 living 112和111有没有最大公因数