
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:37:43
是用in details作方式状语还是用in detail 作状语?为什么呢? in details和in detail的区别希望描述详细易懂 关于detail的搭配是in detail还是in details骗人死 we have shoes ____ all colors _____ $5we have shoes ____ all colors _____ $50 each.顺便翻译一下. 我胃疼英语怎么说zczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczczcczczczczczzczczc 胃疼又一个整夜陪伴我的英文是什么 我明天会胃疼 英文怎么翻译 We shuold be friendly to the _____ (visit)form other countries.只填词就可以,最好连为什么也说出来 The cake was made by his mother.对 by his mother 提问 Tom ate up the cake that had been made by his motherChange the attributive clause in each of the folling sentences into a past participle phrase. Lee'book will show you__ can be used in other that you have what you have oberve选择什么?具体分析一下 look,()high speed the roller coaster()!Ahow,is movingBwhat,is movingChow,is moving atDwhat ,is moving at what a high speed he is runing at 英语翻译地震造成直接经济和财产损失约123亿美元,其中超过90%在四川.1楼:最讨厌机译了,宁缺勿滥!翻译得很好 lf you want to go there on Feiday ,when will you get yo the zoo.的中文 Site Master 关于公司建设,周围布局的说明文件?困惑中,麻烦知道的大侠指点一下. 同义句转换Friends are ones who make you believe that it is good to live in the world. 英语翻译一个软件的说明文档中出现的 我需要翻译这个但是没法翻译特定文件夹?默认文件夹?指定文件夹? 李这个字的罗马拼音是什么?到底是Lee还是Li? 三点水做个“乐”字是什么字,我用拼音打“li”,找不到,打“le”也找不到,究竟这个字的拼音是什么啊 PIEAS believe in and believe that i am the 阅读:Looking back on my childhood,I am convinced that naturalistsLooking back on my childhood,I am convinced that naturalists are born and not made.Although we were all brought up in the same way,my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their press What_____ your life like during Spring Festival?A does B is Look at you silently at your back 整句是Someone makes me cry sorrowfully,he spesked something that makes me recall the pastexperiences.While i want to forget it ,and i try my best to forget it,really,i don't want to remember that .I always believe i can do it if nobody or no words 曾经在书上看到过埃及金字塔有被墓主人下了诅咒,凡进去探险的科学家都先后得怪病去世,这是真的吗? 为什么进了金字塔的科学家会离奇死亡?不要别的就要这个问题的回答 探讨埃及金字塔的中国科学家相继死去了吗 How many are they?这句话对吗? He hate the job in this small company.but he is determined to________ because he needs the money.A.stick out B.stick to C.stick it out D.stick out for has offered me a job 太阳能广告词以万里阳光太阳能为题写广告词