
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 10:16:27
please tell them to have the plates chipped andcraped to bare metal 航海英语, 求一篇my favourite pet 的作文只要7句话 不要太难的句子和单词 我喜欢的宠物是狗狗 put over 什么意思呀? put off,put back,put over都有推迟的意思,这些有什么区别例如There are so many people off sick we'll have to put the meeting -------until next week.A.back B.off C.over D.by 为什么选b,跟a和c有什么区别 Is there any good 外国 social network for grade 5 kids that are safe? I'll tell them my theory after I( )my experimentA、finish B、will finish C、am finishing D、finished 英语翻译there are adaptations that increase the amount of forward thrust as well as those that reduce drag.请问怎么翻译. 请翻译该句为中文:There is no doubt that the Olympics ……请翻译该句为中文:There is no doubt that the Olympics will leave a lasting legacy of friendship and understanding between the Chinese and people across the world.谢谢! 550 Invalid User: 啥意思请大师帮忙翻译 美国诗人惠特曼 诗的特点英文篇 知道的快解答一宇航员为了估计某一星球表面的重力加速度和该星球的质量'在该星球的表面做自由落体实验,让小球,在离地面h高处自由下落,他测出时间t小球落地,又已知该星球的半径买为R, 眯能组什么词 眯怎么组词两字 my view on the college entrance examination为主题的英语作文,400字左右,希望不要和文库相同, 求以exam idea为题的英语作文求求各位了,明天就要,小弟英语作文差得很,不需要很好的,一般般的就好,字数120左右, Does GhaoSan go to bed late?Yes,he does.But Mike go to bed late than him.答句里的go要加es吗?late要加r吗? get away with The French has been getting away with murder.译文:法国人一直都安然无事在本句中,get away with get away with 有多少种意思都是哪些?同上怎么没 人回答 get away The robbers got away with several thousand pounds这句话是什么意思呢 get away with murder是什么意思 Have you found out the case anywhere?翻译 It is strange that their diet is consisted largely of vegetables 什么意思 the sea is a new world to us and it is a big place.we know that some strange fish live……谁有这篇文章的翻译 英语里not……until怎么用啊 The teachers are very busy now?(划线busy) the teachers now? (对划线部分提问) (where) (does) the rain (comes) form?找出错误改正 Are those teachers very busy now?怎么改成肯定句?顺便说一下中文. the vegetable and fruit ____ (sell) are very busy now. Our teachers ___ always very busy.___ the second floor of South Building,there is a ___. 应该这样吗?all the animals ( are ) very busy now. 走过春走过秋才懂得有一种体会叫甜蜜有一种记忆叫美丽有一种感受叫幸福是什么意思 求圆弧长度计算公式,已知宽6米 6米 求弧长