
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 08:40:53
草船借箭中诸葛亮为什么笑7:30就要快! 草船借箭第二段中"孔明笑曰"请说明诸葛亮笑的心理 one is silver and the other's gold怎么翻译 _____the blackboard please.There is a notice on it.是 see 、 see to 、 look、 look at 哪一个? 家长会的时候要写一封给妈妈的感恩信.要有信的格式.注:不是作文【急】 introduce students to university expectation 如何翻译?请高手不吝赐教~ l‘m phoning to introduce...中文翻译? 例,Saturday and Sunday weekendcousin's father( ) the hottest season( ) the month before October( ) saturday and sunday are ( 选什么是weekend还是weekends? saturday and sunday are?选什么是weekend还是weekends?为什么? The only other ship to match her was the Thermopylae.这里other起什么作用,为什么加,怎样翻译 高一英语求检查,还有32求答案 3.________,the majority of the students have no trouble understanding it.A.As complex the sentence is B.Complex as the sentence isC.As the sentence is complex D.Complex as is the sentence 32-48题求检查, of all the students和all of the students那个对 She was sorry for_______(keep)us waiting for so long 这个填什么 谢谢了 曼德拉:监狱是认识自我的理想场所商吕讯 2014-07-13商吕讯:《与自己对话》监狱是认识自我的理想场所,同时也是从现实的角度定期探寻个人的思想和情感的理想场所.在评判一个人成长的过 将这句话连通顺you,the,for,plan,day,me,the,now,let,tell 谁能帮我手工翻译这句话啊 要通顺点Attention to market segmentation has also been enhanced by the recent ascendancy of product competition to a position of great economic importance. An expanded array of goods and services is competing 连笔字已怎么写好 怎么写好连笔字.急. 广播站招新表中的工作设想及建议怎么写?今晚22:00之后的回答忽略~ 现在顺序是乱的,请把它们合成一句通顺的话, 排列句子的顺序,组成一段通顺的话.排列句子的顺序,组成一段通顺的话.1.日月潭景色宜人.2.黎明时,湖面的轻烟还没散去,隐隐约约看到天边的晨星和远山的几点灯光.3.蒙蒙细雨的时候,她好像 把这几句话整合成一句,需要非常通顺.可略微修改,顺序可自行调整1、重大的改变 似乎总是从重大的危机开始2、没有人能够断言未来会走向哪里4、未来总在想象之外 按顺序重新排列下面的句子,组成一句通顺的话(1) 在一定的时间内要阅读大量的书却无暇细读时,可用泛读(2) 要想具有广博的知识,请学会泛读吧(3) 泛读是一种很有用的快速阅读方法 eat,difficulty,you,did,finding,have,sometimes,any,to,in连词成句急```````````` 库的四字成语 实用成语库只是一个成语库,能用excel或者access、VF等打开的库,只要一个单一的库,软件就别来了收到后能打开加分. 有谁知道成语库在哪儿 成语库 浓墨( )( ) 英语翻译Therefore,there exists asignificant amount of motivation for abnormal situation management (ASM) forMSW incineration,a key component of supervisory control.However,ASM of MSWIsis quite challenging because it is hard to understand and pred