
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:57:57
come here的反义词 用下列句中划线部分的反义词或对应词填空【Come 】here.Do not ____here. “on”和“here”的反义词或对应词是什么? 英语单词反义词 1.absence 2.bright 3.corrected 4.sad 5.near 5.borrow 英语单词的反义词~下列英语单词的反义词是什么?short-- dark-- light-- good-- dirty-- thin--young-- empty-- right--closed-- quiet-- different--dangerous-- wide-- wrong--black-- easy-- soft--cheap-- busy-- warm--high-- light-- rich--i 英语单词反义词15对以上 英语反义词和英语单词“cool”、“come”、“warm”的反义词“暖和的”、“擅长”、“在家里”用英语怎么说 100组英语单词正反义词如题.如果没有100组就越多越好..不好意思忘记说还有同义词..如果真的没有就算了..=_=||因为也是我糊涂了的关系. 反义词类英语单词急用!急用!急用! 1,2,3,4年级的英语反义词年级的英语反义词NBN 小学三年级英语反义词1、am 反义词是什么?2、do反义词是什么? 英语翻译不要翻译器翻译的 要翻译的自然一些的 英语翻译如题~真的不是 嘎嘎的歌么 就算不是 麻烦中文翻译 谢喽~ I don't care where we go. Let's start from here. 翻译下 有一首男声歌开头是here we go come with me,中间部分歌词是let's fly oh oh 什么的,请问是什么歌? here we go可以直接翻译成开始吗 Toronto here I come这句翻译成中文是什么意思 从前往后翻译,还有一个“I come here by ship" I just stand here waiting,and marry who come here帮忙翻译一下. 英语翻译 Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 怎么翻译 come and buy your clothes at our great Huaxing Clothes Store SALE!Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale!Do you like sweatersHuaxing Clothes Store SALE!Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale!Do you like sweaters?We have sweaters at a very good price—only ¥25!Do y Huaxing Clothes Store SALE! ; come and buy your clothes at huaxi Come and bay your clothes at Huaxing's great sale!的意思 come and buy your clothes at huaxing's great sale,为什么要加at?加to行吗 “Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale! your,come,our,at,great,and,sale,buy,clothes连词成句 come and buy your clothes at our great sale 是什么句型 连词成句:your,come,our,at,great,and,sale,buy,clothes Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!翻译 Come and buy yuor clothes at Huaxing's great