
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:52:22
武宗涛,男,希望取一个好听点的英文名,平时别人爱叫我“小五”,自己想过一些英文名,比如tom,tony之类的~但是感觉太普遍了~后来自己也是想靠近“宗涛”儿子,自己编了一个叫Z.Tracy,我也不知 帮我取个英文名呗女生。xiang yu 这个 请大家帮忙取个英文名呗 Which is easier to learn Chinese or English?翻译 填should或could.You_______get up earlier,or you'll be late. a lion is wallking near the river he;s hungry now and he wants to look for someting to eat的意思 She's hungry.she wants to eat ()单词以N开头 joyce is not a reporter. she ia an editor 合并一句速度啊~·~帮帮忙吧~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… she is a reporter as well as an editor.它不但是一个记者还是一个编辑.翻译的对吗 money 读音请问音标中的n到底要不要跟前面的音节连读?有的人读“莽尼”,还有人读“玛尼”,到底该怎么读? company limtied怎么发音? There is a fire-hose reel( )the back staircaseThere is a fire-hose reel( )the back staircase.A、at B、on C、in D、for They useda hose to put out the fire 的同义句 They used a hose_______ _______ the fire. she has no She has a strong sense of f___ and hates injustice. 公元619年,唐政府颁布法令规定,百姓年满五十者皆免课役.唐朝均田制规定,老男、残疾授口分田四十亩,寡妻妾授口分田三十亩上述规定表明唐朝前期A.确立封建土地私有 B.抑制土地兼并 C.重视 谜语:Which animal has no sense of direction whose is alarm clock 翻译 翻译:To sleep late in the morning,Iusually turn off my alarm clock on Sunday mornings. always go no my own always Jim is a fireman.He likes-----fires.A.putting off B.putting down C.putting up D.putting out Uncle Ma is good at putting out fires同意句 you spend a day putting out Is Christine _______ to Shanghai?No.She will ________instead of travelling to any city.A.going; go abroad B.going to go;abroad C.going ; abroad D.going to go; go abroad有没有be going to go to someplace? 英语翻译是翻译成:Frankie在香港渡过六年后于1988年来到北京?如果想意思一样,after换成before,怎样改? It is easily to learn swimming.改错 rather than 放句首能不能跟doing? Of equal importance are the concrete emotional benefits they derive 这句英文怎么理解 rather than todo 和rather than doing哪个正确 英语翻译q just four prior four 原句“tried to find a job within the prior four weeks"