
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:57:15
请教一个字的字音身边没有字典,也不会五笔输入法,请问“山字头+今”读什么音? 书信结尾的敬祝安好怎么写,顶格写“敬祝”,然后空两格在本行接着写“安好”是么?二十分钟内好的答案加50悬赏 中国资产阶级革命派与改良派根本目标的共同特点? 与坏字音相同的字 字音字行正确的,谢谢. there和they的用法.我是指回答时的.如:there is;they are.怎样区分回答时要用什么呀? 森林谷山庄怎么样 What you can do is 后面跟动词为什么是原形,例如what you can do is look at the fact而不是looking at the fact?is 后面跟的不应该是名词吗? 绿色森林山庄怎么样 急需英语高手详细分析下面句子结构成分These leaders are living proof that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age. help~if you are a guide..if you are a guide for a tourist group.what problems do you think you might encounter as a guide for the tourist group?the more the better~thx~^^对了..我会等到10点半...还有的话可以补充..谢拉^^ Mary is rude to her brother.She shouldn,t__________________~she should20 Some help you are前面是b:"I have one chinese friend." a:"that sucks,but wish you good luck.“b:“Some help you are.” 急需英语高手详细分析下面句子结构成分特别是那几个asWe all understand that at some level,yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved. Are you ( )(乐意)help other? Are you driving to work?Yes. Can I -- to school? sure!Get in it,please.A.take a bus B.work on it Just do something nice for somebody.Pass it ___[A.away B.along] 歌词开始的一句it's christmas in we work along这个的背景音乐. 怎么描写女子睡觉时的神态额 古时女子 要是描写“早上睡过头”的语言、动作、神态哦! Can you help me ____ ____danger 求描写男子睡觉神态的句子.是一段句子 什么意思? a pretty girl in the If you pass along this handout,we can take a look at the decibel level of some common campus sounds.Notice how loud those horns are that people take to football games.全句.If you pass along this handout什么意思One decibel is the lowest sound th 什么动物传染鼠疫 请你写一个片段,描写人物的动作和神态.字数少一点少一点字、 蜜蜂为什么骑在另一只蜜蜂身上 大学英语4级的听力短文填空求过来人指点大学英语4级的听力短文填空放几遍啊?我现在对那个题非常纠结.填空中的单词都能填对,句子能听出结构来但是细节还是记不下来啊怎么办 梦见蜜蜂爬满全身,妈妈帮我捉蜜蜂 won't you join us for dinner?中won't的意思,为什么要这样用? simon doesn't eat hamburgers any more的同义句simon hamburgers simon eat hamburgers这两种类型