
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:58:59
full to the brim 汉语是什么意思? 有“腿毛的”用英语怎么说?要简单一点,最好一两个单词能解决的. 胸部 臀部 腿毛 英文怎么说 杀杀人跳跳舞繁体字怎么写 谢谢大家了 +++++++++++分 Don't waste youe time.(保持原句意思)( )( )waste youe time. 插入u盘时怎么出现please insert a disk into driver 我用的是xp啊!u盘没有驱动的光盘的啊!什么情况? please insert the sniper art of victory disk into your drive的中文意思 历代王朝加强对地方的控制,有哪些共同的特征 概述美国的“三权”是在实践中是如何被限制的, 秦帝国是哪位国君死在了少梁之战中? 求解. 纺城翻译成英文(绍兴柯桥), 用what引导的感叹句怎么转换成用how引导的感叹句 how和what的感叹句怎么转换 纺写英语短文纺写My friend Peter finds maths very difficult.He wants meto let him copy my homework.I wann to refuse because I think it`s dishonest,but I don`t want Peter to get into trouble with his parengts.They have warned him about not work good发成wood音,怎么纠正? wood good两个单词的发音一样吗 good wood coffee是什么意思 editorial是什么意思 西汉继秦之后,又是如何加强中央集权的. 小明同学用一块体积为216立方厘米的橡皮泥,捏塑成等底等高的一个圆柱和一个圆锥,圆柱的体积比圆锥大多少 What's happened about the tickets? 小明用两块一样大小的橡皮泥分别做成出圆柱和正方体,测得正方体的棱长为五厘米,圆柱的底面半径是两厘.求该圆柱的高.(精准到一厘米,π取3.14). please re-install a copy of the above file 怎么回事 on hearing the news,the man rushed out,___the book__on the desk and disappeared into the distance.a.left,lain open b.left,lay opened c.leaving,lie opened d.leaving,lying open(请说明理由!为什么选D) hearing the news,he rushed out,()the book()on the table and disappeared into the distance.A left;lying openB leaving;lying open C.leaving; lie opened D.left; lay opened,这个句子是什么时态,为什么又有过去分词,又有进行时?应该选 英语填空 ----__the words , he rushed __the rain and disappeared__the distance是初三的题目 急需 Jackie had an unhealthy diet and did _______ exercise.A never B not C no D a little Mr .Ling was fat and unhealthy.He had an unhealthy diet and he did no exercise 是什么意识?非常急还有很多,加我好友,我问你, good cici had an unhealthy diet and did__exercise.1.never 2.not 3.no 4.a few Bill has finished his homework,and——A so does Lucy B so is Lucy C so did Lucy D so has Lucy 丝绸之路主要内容?