
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:57:23
It was at midnight __ the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.用when还是that,为什么! I wouldn't have fallen in love with,her from the start if she thoughy like that. She has fallen hopelessly___love___an older man用正确的介词填空 什么是“本超星系团”? 什么是超星系团?拜托了各位 谢谢 求问!关于超星系团长蛇-半人马座超星系团是什么?大熊座超星系团是什么?什么是COMA WALL?什么是HOROLOGINM超星系团?什么是XENOVERSE?什么是OMNIVERSE?有多少分给多少了. 室女座超星系团是什么 () she medium height?() she wear glasses?A.Has;is B.Is;has C.Is;does D.Has;does 99.If I take this medicine twice a day,it should _______ my cold.a.heal b.cure c.treat d.recover 100.The cat was lying ________ on the kitchen floor.a.to the full b.in full c.full-length d.in full swing 请问选择哪个?为什么? If I take this medicine 3 times a day,it should __my cold.用Treat 还是cure _ by a large audience ,he felt very nervous and didn't know what to say a watching b watch c watch_ by a large audience ,he felt very nervous and didn't know what to saya watching b watch c watched d having watched – I'm sorry to be late.Thank you for waiting.– _______. I’m sorry to be so late CH2O,CH4,CH4O,C2H4,C3H6的制备 急! I'm sorry but it's too late to apologize这样说可以表达歉意么 以我之真气合天地之造化是什么意思 甲醛怎么产生的?装房子为什么有甲醛 SHE WEARS FUNNY GIASSES ________改为一般疑问句 I'm_____(true)sorry for coming so late 要解析! 两人以相同的效率合砌一道墙需5天,如果第一人的效率提高两倍,另一人的效率降低一半,他们砌完需几天? 两人以相同的效率合粉刷一道墙需要5天,如果其中一人的效率提高2倍,他们粉刷这道墙需要多少天? 春秋五霸 请问春秋五霸是谁?最好有具体的人物介绍, she is_(will)to share trips with others Betty is generous .She is ____(will) to share things with others. 两个自然数的倒数和是9/20,这两个自然数各是多少? 假如你是楚国商人你该怎样来推销你的矛和盾拜托了自相矛盾中的 《自相矛盾》假如你是楚国人,你该怎样来推销你的“矛”和“盾”? 买椟还珠中的楚国商人是个怎样的人 已知太阳能路灯售价5000元/个,某商家用如下方法促销:若购买路灯不超过100个,按原价付款;若一次购买100个以上,且购买的个数每增加一个,其价格减少10元,但太阳能路灯的售价不低于3500元/ 家里孩子英语成绩一直很好,可是开口说就可让人头疼了,这种所谓的哑巴英语应该怎么办才好啊?急人! i had no idea of __________(his ,do such a silly thing)