
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 19:26:06
设三元向量a与β正交且都是单位列向量,A=aa^T-ββ^T证明1,-1是A的特征值.r(A)=2. 求高人证明:正交阵的列向量都是单位向量,且两两正交. 尽量详细 给高分 “我们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的.”的理解除了“吃饭长大”指的是身体的物质需求,“读书长大”则是指精神的成长,心灵的成长 .粮食哺育的是人的身体,而书籍哺育的是灵魂,一个知识 设α1,α2为n维向量组,β1=2α1+3α2,β2=3α1+α2,β3=4α1-3α2,则向量组β1,β2,β3一定线性相关 They were all so tired that they could ____.nothing but sleep .我想知道but不是介词吗?为什么but后不用sleeping? When the fire broke out,many people were so____frightened__ that they ran _________.wild and wildlWhen the fire broke out,many people were so______ that they ran _________.A.frightening; wild B.frightened; wildC.frightened; wildly D.frightening; wild They were so handsome that I couldn't do it语法错误? 加工一批零件,甲、乙合做15天完成,现在由甲先做10天,然后乙再做12天,还剩下这批零件的1/4没完成,已知甲每天比乙少加工5个零件,求有多少个零件在线等啊 线性代数行列式求值 文天祥丹心照汗青【宋书】的翻译 少年中国说 梁启超 翻译 英语翻译天祥至朝阳,见弘范,左右命之拜,不拜,弘范遂以客礼见之,与俱入山崖,使为书招张世杰.天祥曰:“吾不能捍父母,乃教人叛父母,可乎?”索之固,乃书所作《过零丁洋》诗与之.其末有云 英语翻译第一个+分是宋书 英语翻译天祥至潮阳,见弘范,左右命之拜,不拜,弘范遂以客见之,与俱入崖山,使为书招张世杰.天祥曰:"吾不能捍父母,乃教人叛父母,可乎?"索之固,乃书所作《过零丁洋》诗与之.其末有云:"人生 英语翻译今天就要, 一批零件,甲单独做了3天完成,乙单独做4天完工,现在赶工期,甲乙合作,完工时,甲比乙多做了24个,这批零件有多少个? 有一批零件,甲,乙两种车床都可以加工.如果甲车床单独加工,可以比乙车床单独提前10天完成任务.现在用甲,乙两车窗一起加工结果12天就完成了任务.如果只用甲车床单独加工,需几天完成任务. while they were having a meeting ,3 while they were having awhile they were having a meeting ,3 psychiateists had an interesting." people are always coming to v___ us with their guilt and fears" one said ,"but we have no one to talk about our p___ Si 空格 we were in beijinglibrary that day; a :it happened that; b:it was happened that如果b改成it was happening that; 英译汉5句1>.Over 160 years ago,there no stamps in the world.2>.A postman came to a small village in England.3>."I'm sorry.I don't have enough money for it." 4>."There's nothing inside."5>.About twenty years later,the first stamp in the world bega 英译汉(5句)1.watch the dragon boatraces2.blow out the candles3.do morning exercises4.visit relatives and friends5.have a chat 英译汉 5句100分1.Sales of the Group are generally settled in cash or bank acceptance notes(usually in maturity dates of within six months) on delivery2.The Group always keeps the turnover days of trade receivables within two week of its credit c 1.The main idea of paragraph 1 is that instead of bringing American families closer together,television causes families ties to grow weaker2.In paragraph 2,the phrase multi-set families means families with several televisions3.Which of the following 求文档: 一句英译汉原句:Uncertainty is also driving up poppy production,as farmers worried about the country's future turn to the tried and true.译句:不确定也会影响增加罂粟种植和产量,农民们担心国家在尝到这种甜头后 求文档: 语文补充习题八下答案43QW 八下语文补充习题答案有不? 仿写闻一多先生的说和做结构作文咋写? 闻一多先生的说和做的文章结构和表达的情感 闻一多先生的说和做7.8.9段在结构上有什么作用 我初中数学一直很不好.现在想读重高. 已知n阶方阵的行列式丨A丨≠0说明矩阵A什么性质 做音乐后期一般用什么软件好?AA还是CE?AA和CE有什么区别?