
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 06:09:24
⊙⊙⊙急~We _______three books and there ____one in our teacher's hand.1.have,has2.have,are3.have,is4.has,have 首字母填空 Have a look,Mom.Are you p_____ with what I did? 有没有“For Everything There is a season ”这首诗.作者是谁?全文如下:For everything there is a season ,And a time for every purpose under the heaven.A time to be born and a time to die.A time to plant and a time to pluck up that whic DNA亲子鉴定是只能父亲和子女吗?母亲不行啊 The book is one of ____ ALily's sister BLily's sister's book CLily's sister's DLily sister'sThe book is one of ____ALily's sister BLily's sister's book CLily's sister's DLily sister's The book s____ good. His sister is in C_____ One. 横线上填什么?急! come,into,view的近义词a开头write the words according to the explanations and the first letterswrite the words according to the explanations and the first letters givenwrite the words according to the explanations and the first letters givencome The book might be my sister's.Hemingway is _favorite author. 义和团运动是为了反抗八国联军侵华而发生的吗? 关于义和团运动和八国联军侵华战争判断题1、义和团运动是资本主义列强侵略引起的.2、八国联军侵华战争是由义和团运动引起的.判断这两句话的对错,并加以分析 89.To save money for my education,my mother often takes on more work _____ good for her.A.than what is\x05B.than that is C.than it is D.than is为什么选b,请细讲, 风决定了蒲公英的方向,而你决定了我的悲伤用英文怎么说? 麻烦在帮我翻译一下“风决定蒲公英的方向你决定我的悲伤”谢谢 There-----40 desks and chairs.------- ---------a bookcase, _the leftover food,Tom threw it out of the doorwayA Drying out B Having dried outC Having been dried out D To dry out (根据提示完成句子,每空一词):The panda is veary____(love)求救! 英语翻译i love three things:the sun ,the moon and you ; the sun for the day ; the moon for the night ; and you for ever! 求翻译our long term goals mean a lot if we complete our short-range goals 制定预算(Budgeting)对于将来管理和制定长远和短期计划(Long-term and short-term planning)的好处?制定预算(Budgeting)对于将来管理和制定长远和短期计划(Long-term and short-term planning)的用途和 他默默的工作,所以默默地逝去(修改病句) 直接引语变间接引语时 时间状语从句怎么变?即从句的谓语时态? 间接引语中,主句是一般现在时,从句到底要用什么时态?我在新概念的书上看到He says he didn't pass the exam.He says he hasn't passed the exam.意思是这两个都对?如果是填空题He says he ________(pass) the exam.要 直接引语改间接引语时 若直接引语的从句时态为一般过去时 那么改间接引语时从句要改过去完成时吗 罗斯福新政采取的主要措施是什么?根本目的是什么?指出罗斯福新政对资…主义的最深远影响 什么是变奏曲式 都市鸟类"变奏曲"阅读答案①黎明来临,轿车、卡车以及工厂的低沉的隆隆声很快取代了城市夜晚短暂的宁静.然而,在这一片喧闹声中似乎缺少了什么——我们熟悉的清晨鸟儿的鸣唱声.不知从 乡村爱情变奏曲中的花姐扮演者是谁? 求几篇关于"宁静,思想"的古文 原本以为应该渐渐安静了,但校园最近却非常热闹.用文言文怎么说?如题 这些话用文言文怎么说呢?特别是教育啊 社会安宁啊 什么的!微臣建议,朝廷应大幅简化官僚机构.因为,只要多一位官员,老   百姓就要多纳一份粮饷.而与其多要一位官员,倒不如办好教育. The new lifestyle requires that people should consume the minium amount of energy,which in turn will reduce the emission of carbon dioxide,the primary greenhouse gas.这里的that people should consume the minium amount of energy是宾语从句 which 帮帮忙造完成时态的句子!1.become2.begun3.broken4.brought5.built6.bought7.caught8.come9.cose10.cut11.done12.drawn13.drunk14.driven15.eaten以上是完成时态的单词.就用那些单词造完成时态的句子(各一句)相信都不会