
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 23:05:10
有哪些类似替罪羊、铁公鸡的词语? 1、母老虎2、变色龙3、替罪羊4、墙头草5、小广播6、笑面虎7、铁公鸡8、马大哈9、传声筒10、应声虫比喻见风使舵的人 ( ) 比喻凶悍的女人 ( )比喻外表善良而内心凶狠的人 连词成句.1.are going to we have basketball a match.2.without me my mom going on trip a is. We were going to have a basketball match against a team from a country school. 求全文 表示碰到难题时,同学们尽力去想的成语至少三个 关于“出汗”的成语曾经听到一个成语,说一个人大汗淋漓,汗呈现白色.我最近看到某人出现这个状况,却忘了这成语,望赐教. 汗流浃背这个成语是怎么来的 夏天出汗过多怎么办夏天出汗量总是特别多稍一运动,衣服后背就全都湿透了,特别尴尬出汗量是别人的好几倍止汗露用了也只能止腋下的汗,背上的汗还是出个不停有什么办法止汗或者能不能 你那个成语答案是汗流浃背那个抢答的傻瓜答不出来,你直接对他的答案不满意.然后采纳我的 形容出汗多的成语 Our teacher don't allow us ______(arrive) late 英语作文 a letter applying for a volunteer of EXPO the way to success diary my mid autumn festival Teachers in our school u get to school early.u开头的单词 连词成句 teachers dont our class talk allow in us to whisper of a sick.whisper of a sick.I wish i was special,you're so fuck'in special、具体怎么翻译? 应该是脑筋急转弯 A man rode a horse into town on Tuesday.Two days later he rode home on Tuesday.How is this possible? 52页69.At last the train --------.A.began B.started C.set out D.left for 为什么 42.Five minutes earlier,________ we could have caught the last train.A) andB) butC) orD) an order 描写女人运动出汗诗句 有没有描写汗流浃背的优美句子? 谢谢! Don't arrive late for school.(改为同义句) ____ ____school_____ _____,please.You can't listen to music in class.(改为祈使句)_____ _____to musci in class. PLEASE________(NOT ARRIVE)LATE FOR SCHOOL 什么遇什么安的成语 安遇而 随怎么拼个四字成语 列车员告诉乘客,这趟车只能在车站呆四分钟,他说:The train will stay from____________.(填六个同音词快 食盐是氯化钠的俗名,主要来自____________? I to bed until I finished my homework(not go) I to bed until I finished my homework(not go) I_to bed until I finished my homework1如题 填 went 还是 didn't go2在一般过去时和过去进行时一起的句子中 when while as等词是放在一般过去时前还是放在过去进行时前 v家山茶花是什么?绿毛是谁? I started learing English three years ago.(对three years ago提问) my diary作文(关于生日)好的有分!