
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 18:50:35
marry to sb和marry sb有什么区别 marry with sb.是什么意思啊?拜托各位大神 What's your hobby?同义句 cannot but 它和cannnot help but及cannot choose but 意思一样么? love and marriage,equal or not? What's your hobby? 翻译 太阳升起之前天边有什么样的变化 what are your best w___ to your parents in the New Year I am in my room 改为反义疑问句 Emilion said,"I am cleaning my room now"(直接宾语变间接宾语) 翻译英文"感谢你对上次询价作了详细的回复大家尽快帮帮我啊 一篇简单的英文询盘函 小弟急需 各位大哥大姐 帮帮小弟吧! what is your career plan这个问题怎么回答呢?自动化专业,进外企干技术 What is your one-year career goal?What is your five-year career goal?这是外企招聘问的问题,请用英语回答! what's your expectation in your career when you are 30 years old?and how do you reach the goal?面试中我该怎么用英语回答啊 谈谈你对这句话的理解 宽容是阳光,能够照亮狭窄的心灵,照亮心灵中阴暗的角落. 外贸函电 询盘We need a complete 24/7 Solar energy system for P20 full color LED Display Billboard,integrated to the billboard or in option.求翻译 我没看明白最后一句到底是什么意思 是单单要太阳能LED广告显示屏呢 然 英文询价信我需要回一封英文邮件,回函内容为:1、您好!需刊登的我公司信息中地址不对,正确的应为A;其他信息没有问题.顺致商琪2、您好!我公司想在贵刊上刊登广告,希望可以得到一份贵 What are your r of the coming year?上面r后应该填什么? What are your ___(plan) for the new year? I am in my bedroom. 改为一般疑问句 怀念的英文怎么说 ,我要纯英文! 将I am in my bedroom.改为一般疑问句. I am in the bedroom怎么变成一般疑问句?怎么回答? There is a TV in my bedroom变成疑问句 购物中心是一个会见朋友和玩的开心的好地方 The mall is a good place ()()friends and()fun what is your borther是什么意思 外贸英文询盘发盘还盘受盘的对话 最好有翻译 _However serious a problem_ you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A.However a serious problem B.What a serious problemC.However serious a problem D.What serious a problem 34. you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.34. you may have,you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A.However a serious problem \x05B.What a serious problemC.However serious a problem \x05D.What ser absence of social capital tends to be self-reinforcing 怎么翻译 翻译 self