
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 14:24:59
因加一笔组词 Sandy would like to travel around the world对travel around the world提问 Do you like football?You may s_____"NO".But``````````````I'm sure the a___will be "yes".B```````Do you like football?You may s_____"NO".But``````````````I'm sure the a___will be "yes".Beckham was b_____on the second May 1975 in London.``````````````` 中加一笔并组词 “人誉之,一笑 人毁之, ____to go for a walk.it began to rain怎么不选when preparing而选as we were preparing 意思是用很多钱就为买女人一笑那是什么词语 整理下列句子 rain/the building/it/walking/he/began to/just as/was/out of 1.This is Ms green.() is our friend.2.()is my phone number 小学是__________,中学是_________,大学是_________,社会是________. 用颜色形容小学,初中,高中,大学,社会.然后告诉我为什么,拜托 急求.我还要知道理由 谢谢了 有些不会读,那要怎么把它拼出来呢?例如:上面是工字下面是水字,这个字怎么念? 大学.小学初.小学.中高中 齐白石的自律名言 That is his an apple.这个句子哪里错了 线性定常系统在零初始条件下,输入量的拉普拉斯变换与输出量的拉普拉斯变换之比称为系统的传递函数. 这句英文是在骂人还是在夸人HOLY SHIT you are a fucking pro on this!一张画的评论,应该怎么翻译?是褒还是贬? so beautiful so white so beautiful so white.中的<white> 中文音标是怎么写的? so beautiful so white中文怎么读 请给出线性离散系统的概念, 离散域的脉冲传递函数一定存在吗? 函数离散化是什么意思 I postcard a my may frieng send to 连词成句 that sweater looks very pretty on you____it is a little old this shows postcard you picture a 连词成句是什么 急 急 that sweater is too tight,l think it is very u( ) on me. who's sweater is that怎么错了 ( )地哭声 “人生,从自己的哭声中开始,从别人的哭声中结束,这中间的部分,就是幸福.”是谁说的? 什么的哭声? 哭声什么抱歉打错啦,应该是( )哭声 (动词) 成语父子(__ __)提示意思:上下关系亲如一家的军队