
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 13:49:32
爸爸妈妈两人工资有4800元爸爸工资的一半和妈妈工资的三分之1一共有2100元爸妈工资各多少一定要用方程解要清楚的方程 爸爸月工资4400元,比妈妈月工资多1/3,爸爸、妈妈每月工资收入多少元?急啊啊啊!(等着写作业呢!) You have made much progress inn your study of English,haven’t you?Yes,but much ______A、remains to do B、is remained to do C、remains to be done D、is remained to be done要求详细分析. 1.---(hard)you study,---(much)progress you will make.2.When I got to the top of the mountain,I was too tired to go any---(far).3.There's little time left.Let's set off,---(soon),---(well). Many a student has made great progress in study.中的Many a student如何理解? I’m ( )the impression that you have made much progress in your English study.I’m ( )the impression that you have made much progress in your English study.A.atB.inC.underD.with 用英语怎么说“MP3格式”? 演电视剧 用英语怎么说? I made _____in English .A.a big progress B much progress C some progress She has made much more progress c__ with other students.缺词填空. ____he studied in the university,he has made much progress inthe study of English.A.WhileB.WhenC.SinceD.After 我喜欢像你这种类型的女孩.英语怎么说 表演短剧用英语怎么说 争做亚运志愿者英语怎么说?有关于广州亚运的都可以 亚运志愿者,对英语有什么要求么? 假如你是亚运会志愿者有个外国人怎么去开幕式,你用英语怎么说 亚运会志愿者口号是什么 亚运志愿者宣誓英文作文 李叔叔将自己6月份的收入安排如下.6分之1用于伙食费.5分之1用于房租费.3分之1存入银行.其余的购买国库1.李叔叔6月份用于伙食和房租的费用合计为1760元.李叔叔6月份的总收入是多少元?2.李 六年级数学期末考试起其中一题:小明家一个月工资2000元.水电费占20\1,比伙食费少22\3.小明家生活费付多.水电费算生活费内的吗? 小新家今年3月份的伙食费交出占30%,其他交出占25%,余下的存入银行,存入银行1800元求小新家总收入多少元? 李叔叔对自己10月份的总收入做了如下安排:其中六分之一用于伙食费,五分之一用于房租费三分之一存入银行其余的购买了建设基金,李叔叔10月份购买建设基金用去了1440元,那么李叔叔10月份 ___the help ___ the teachers,the students have made great progress___their study.介词填空 All of my students have made rapid progress in the past few years Of all the students,our monitor spent the ________(little)time but made the most progress. 找错 The results of the examinations shows that the students have made great progress The students who are not ____with the progress they have made in the study will have greater progress.(A) proud (B) content2.What's the language ____ in Germany(C) be spoken (D) to speak (E) spoken3.If ______,we will continue our experiment after off 我最喜欢的电影种类是恐怖片用英语怎么说如上 你想看什么类型的电影用英语怎么说 志愿者英语怎么说? 我喜欢我很的校园用英语怎么说 1.He made progress in English.It's a _____(成功).2.He_____(成功)in reaching the top of the mountain.3.The treament was greatly _____(成功).