
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 09:35:57
相对论光速问题我以光速后退,世界便像是静止的,可前面的影像为什么还能传递到我的眼前? 相对论和光速问题物体A以0.6光速向东移动,物体B以0.6光速向西移动.物体A向物体B发送无线电信号,请问物体B能不能收到? 5篇三年级150字左右的数学日记,今天就要,非常急! 大运会文明用语或静雅校园用语帮帮忙,写两句.最好每个写一句.写得好的我还会给的. 几题英语题麻烦了 After four day's careful treatment,the old man was ___ to go home应该选那个答案After four day's careful treatment,the old man was ___ to go home.A well enoughB enough well C good enoughD enough good应该选那个答案 用protel99se的问题用protel99se,我要在长方形PCB板的四个角的位置分别画一个直径为3.3MM的定位孔?该怎样画呢? 求电脑帝 protel99se上次同学在我电脑里装的,本人突然觉得这个东西很有问题,就把它删了,但是我知道在注册表和C盘windows里应该还有残余的文件夹的,我要删了它! 含辅音字母的单词马上就要速度点! 哪些单词含有双写辅音字母 有没有辅音字母的单词吗?是什么 i辅音字母e的单词 After the accident the man who was hurt seriously__to hospitalA.was rushedB.rushedwhy choose A _____in the leg,the man was sent to the hospital at once.A.Being injured seriouslyB.To be injuredC.Seriously injuredD.Having injured She wanted to know where she would spend her weekend.=She _ where _ _ her weekend. 妈妈今年的年龄是我的三倍,妈妈比我大24岁,小明和妈妈今年分别是多少?算数法 英语的宾语重句还有定语重句是什么意思?求回答, I often play basketball at five in the afernoon.(变成现在进行时) My uncle usually play basketball at weekends.(划线部分提问)划线部分是play basketball There was once a manager.He was busy all day.……Now here is the note:IM2B2CU Do you know what itmeans? The manager wanted to know_____.A.that you are a workerB.that you were a workerC.whether you were aworkerD.whether you are a worker主要是想知道为什么是这个时态? He did leave a note to _____us something,but we don’t know what the note ______.1.He did leave a note to _____us something,but we don’t know what the note ______.A.tell,says B.talk,writes C.speak,says D.say,writes2.Don’t worry too much about __ Has he left for Paris?His friend wanted to know.(合并)改成:His friend wanted to know () he () left for Paris. "sent to hospital"与"sent to the hospital"的区别 The wounded ------- to be sent to hospital.主谓一致 帮我解释的全面些 请帮忙解决下列英语题,谢谢!排序:( ) Put an egg and steak on the bread.( ) First,wash your hands.( ) Then Put a piece of bread on a plant.( ) Put another piece of bread on it.( ) Put some butter on the bread.( ) Now eat your hambu all the __ soldiers were sent to hospital at once.soldiers是什么意思?1 wound2 hurting3 wounded4 hurted为什么要选3? 1.the,basketball,he,is,on,playground,playing2.people,many,vacation,there're,here,on3.did,where,you,go,on,vacation 这句话The wounded were seen sent to the hospital immediatley.有没有错误? Comple the sentences using Will / Can / May and the simple present:If it_____,(rain) I_____(stay)home.If we_____,(study) we______(pass)the test.we______(celebrate)if we______(graduate)You ______(save) money if you______(reduce) your expensesshe______ he wants to(b ) an astronaut.she wants to be a (d ).kkkkk She wants to be an airhostess