
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 07:49:06
椰子,榆树,榕树,凤仙花的种子是如何传播的?拜托各位了 3Q答案: 靠风传播Or靠水传播or果实炸开or靠动物传播 25个为什么选A? what a great vacation what a great time!/what great time!哪个是对的啊? 翻译What a substantial vacation 用英语讲“区”怎么讲就是海淀区的区 起英文名 懂的人来帮忙做个决定吧是这样子的 我的中文名字里面有一个【哲】字 我马上就要去国外生活5年左右了 我偶然看到有个品牌 Annzo 中文意思是 艾哲 我很喜欢 就用来做名字了 发现 求英文名,最好是个懂的人来解答我想取个英文名,个性一点的,我叫✖金铭,男生jimmy这个就算了····名字最好与原名谐音 懂英文的进,会起英文名的进我的名字叫桂甲,喜欢音乐,可以帮我取个英文名字吗?全名叫什么然后简写又是怎么样的?还要说明名字的意思, 不想读小语种,但参加了英语口语测试,会调剂到小语种吗 想报考小语种 北外的 英语学得不错 口语还行 但看到有人说唱歌跑调不适合学小语种 是这样吗 12生肖那种动物有鼻子没有鼻孔的 12生肖看不见鼻子的动物是什么 12生肖里长得最快 寿命最短的是什么动物谢谢了, 12生肖鼻子看不见的动物是什么 12生肖中寿命最长的动物是什么? 十二生肖 寿命最长的动物是哪一种?十二生肖 当中寿命最长的动物是哪一种? 法海你不懂爱雷峰塔会掉下来什么意思? 英语作文:what will l be how will sb be 和what will sb be like 区别?A:____ will Peter____ in ten years' time?B:He will be tall and strong.a.What.be b.How.be like c.How.be d.What.be like 初二 英语 间接语 请详细解答,谢谢! (25 17:16:23)Mr.Li sad,"I am not a child any more ." 作文 “What will I be like” She hasn't brought ____ book with her.Will you lend her ____?A.hers,your B.her,your C.hers,yours D.her,yours I didn't lend her my book because she (buy) one in the the bookshopWhen I went there,she (borrow) one from the library I didn't go to town yesterday because it(start) snowing early in the morning Ross lost the history book,she felt ___(着急) -The book belongs to she.must I return them to her now?-No,you___ A neen't B mustn't he wanted to know when his sister would come back 为什么用would he told me he would come back soon.怎样变被动 定州英才实验中学初一五班的同学进数学优加还写不写课后提升?回答后请写下你的姓名 八一中学初一(3)班用英语怎么说? What ____!A.a great fun B.funny C.great funny D.great fun climbing the hil will be_ A great fun B.a great fun C.great funny D.very funny