
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:29:13
在现在完成时中怎么区分使用have和had?如题希望给出具体的例子~ 现在完成时:什么时候用HAVE+P.P什么时候用HAD+P.P? 用所给词的正确形式填空 Please stop drinking wine.You are ______.(drink)drunk 可是我认为应该是 drinking 用所给词的恰当形式填空.She wants ______(buy) a new pen.It's often_______(rain) in summer.Sometimes they_______(not have) lunch at home. I`m afraid it might _____(rain)tonnight. you are too young to join Oxfam Trailwalker改为同义句改为You are not old enough.It is ()for you ()join Oxfam Trailwalker People over 18 years old can join Oxfam Trailwalker.同义句 三国演义的语言特点,从句式和用词来分析!急要!是文言文的那个三国演义. 三国人物语言的好词好句? 明朝思想家王艮曾提出,百姓日用条理处,即是圣人之条理处的观点,从儒学世俗化的角度看,与之传承关系最为密切的思想家是( )A.程颐和程颢 B朱熹和陆九渊 C王守仁和李贽 D黄宗羲和 Where _did__you _study___ (study) before you came here.为什么是did和study? 明朝时期皇亲贵族与贫民百姓的服饰特点我在写小说,请帮我设计一下衣服,男版女版的都要.包括头饰、衣服、裤子、鞋子、手拿物品、饰品的颜色、样子、名称以及质地! 古代皇族、贵族、平民穿的都是什么衣物?(最好以明朝为例)还要分情况,比如工作和生活 泪水什么什么ABCC 生气什么什么(ABCC类) walking and riding is the best way.这句话对吗,is是不是应该换成are? Sanya is the best city to visit ____ ____ ____ ____.意思为:我认为三亚是寒假旅游的最好城市。 spring is the best season to visit my hometown句中的to visit是什么成分 Im(.)the dirty dishes 3900 characters是3900个字还是单词?我没说清楚,我要写一篇3900characters的英语文章,这篇文章是指字母,还是单词 英文简历中的2000 characters each 是让写2000个单词,还是2000个字符的意思? maximum 225 characters 中的character指的是单词还是字母? 求《He is just not that into you》高清电影 微波什么什么 It is said he caught a bad cough可不可用完成式It is said he has caught a bad cough.因为这过去事件影响到现在,现在还在咳嗽. ABCC的形式波光( )( ) 气喘( )( ) 忠心( )( )烈日( )( ) 果实( )( ) 乌云( )( ) ABCC形式的 The place has changed a lot.(同义句转换)The place has been quite ___ ___ before. 气势什么什么(后两个字一样(ABCC式)哦!) The place has changed a lot.The place has been quite ____ ____ before. looking straight into the eyes of the jailerto the grating from the other sideThough hundreds of thousandshad come the day before looking straight into the eyes of the jailerquot;Now, then, get alongthe air was balmynumbered and with a superscription