
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 21:34:22
【 】Lily has —uncle and —aunt.A,a;a B,an;an C,an;a D,a;an a great deal about the age and size of the universe.为什么用about?不用of? 或能省略吗? 选择填空:1.I have__aunt and__uncle a.an;an b.an;a c.a;an d.a;a2.My name is Linda Ward.Linda is my__,Ward is my__ a.given name; first name b.first name;family name c.last name; surname d.family name; given name3.__do your parents work for?a.What a great deal about a great deal of区别一直习惯用of最近发觉有些后面加about如 a great deal about the age and size of the universe这和用of有什么区别呢? full-placement是什么意思 6.the girl ______the coener of the classroom is my sister.A)atB)inC)onD)from请问答案为什么选B呢,如有需要可以加分~ The girl which is singing is my sister 与The girl who is singing is my sister都有么 In the zoo,lions and tigers should stay in cages because they are d_____ I have two uncles and an aunt.They are all friendly and helpfhlI have two uncles and an aunt.They are all friendly and helpful.My uncle,Tim ,is a train conductor (列车员).He has worked on the railway for fifteen years.He is very helpful and tries After four hours’drive,they reached ( )they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.答案上是what,为什么不是where呢? I have got two uncles该疑问句急~~~~~~ --"we must start for the work now." ---so must we" 为什么这里的回答用so must we 而不用so we must my pen pal likes playing 改为一般疑问句 定语从句关系代词的用法 定语从句中的关系代词用法点击查看这张图片 如图,这是五年高考三年模拟上的图片,我觉得很让人混淆,根据图解释限定性定语从句,非限定性定语从句引导定语时,指人和指物的引导词,不知道 定语从句中关系代词的用法是什么? 定语从句中关系代词as的用法as这个词在定语从句中什么情况下使用?在从句中的成分及位置等等.请系统地、针对性地讲解下,不要只是粘贴一般的语法书上对定语从句的解释.麻烦例句说明.3Q~ 求人教版英语八下第三单元B部分2b的翻译,两篇都要. HELP!辩题:选秀,是利大于弊还是弊大于利.我是正方,也就是利大于弊我是正方3辩,怎么确定论点呢,有高手能教教我吗? 辩题:现阶段,大力发展军事工业是利大于弊还是弊大于利?我方观点:弊大于利.帮忙想想弊端啊、越致命越好…谢了这个辩题应该怎样辩? this is not my ring?怎么改?病句 My pen pal is from Australia.改为同义句.快,这是今晚的作业, My pen pal is from Australia .His name is Jody White.He is forteen 哈利波特观后感 哈利波特读后感, 《哈利波特》观后感需要一篇观后感,以作参考. Time is money my 1 This soccer ball is white.is white画线提问 2 Can I help you?改为同义句3.The socks are on the sofa.(用the shirt替换the socks)4.How much are the socks?(改为同义句) whose ball is this?改同义句_____is this ________? Is this your ball? 同义句is this————?---- 为空格 大学英语辩论的辩题,每个辩题要求正反方面理由各六条Card 1:Arguments for or against the view that feeling stressed during the final exam week is bad Card 2:Arguments for or against volunteering for the 2009 National Games to be h 英文辩题 中国应减少进口以保护经济