
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 09:12:31
语文写作一共有哪几种修辞手法? 写作手法都有哪些?还有修辞手法? 作文中的修辞手法有哪些 -we don't know______-it is said that she is a detectiveAwhat she is Bwhat is she like Cwhere she is from Dhow she is 布莱克一家人将去海南度假 (翻译成英文) the_________ ________ ____________ _________in Hainan 回答几个英语问题,1.What is GNP per capital?How is it calculated?2.Why would one prefer to live in a country to with a high GDP per capita?3.What do countries with high GDP or GNP per capita have in common? 已知公式,求公式推导.在扇形统计图圆心角怎么算?为什么有360度乘百分比的公式.例如:占总数的百分之几,总数就是360度吗?也就是单位一就是360度吗? 已知函数f(x)=x²-2ax+1,g(x)=a/x,其中a>0,x≠0(1).对任意x∈[1,2],都有f(x)>g(x)恒成立,求实数a的取值范围(2).对任意x1∈[1,2],x2∈[2,4],都有f(x1)>g(x2)恒成立,求实数a的取值范 高中数学关于不等式恒成立这块的知识? he said that was where he was born too间接引语he did ask the concert hall manager if we could have some at the cheaper price.这句也改下。 扇形统计图知道一个数的百分比和人数,怎么求总人数,和其它人数如果知道合格的 百分数 30%人数360人怎么求合计,怎么求不合格的,不合格的百分比 5合格的人数和百分比怎么求 x^2-3/2x=0怎么解 The day you were born is I___like to know where you were born.A.shall B.should C.do D.might为什么选B? be made out of/be made of/be made from区别 be make of ,be make out of,be make from三个到底有什么区别太囧了~就是分不清楚~我知道,差异是看的到原材料和看不到原材料的区别,可是到底是哪两个的差异呢?另外一个又与其他2个有什么差异呢? be made of和be made from有什么区别? ax^2-(a-1)x+1 扇形统计图用什么代表总数 扇形统计图中用于表示总数的是?a.圆 b.圆形 he doesn't know where the post office isis 后怎么可以跟where啊? He doesn't know where he can go.(同义句) He doesn't know _____ ______ ______ . 他不知道下一步怎么办He doesn't know _ _ _ _.男孩从水里出来,手里拿着一条鱼.The boy gets _ _ the water _ a fish _ his hand.如果你想保持健康,你就应该停止吸烟.If you want _ _ _.You should _ _. 他不知道乘哪辆车 He doesn't know _____ _____ _____ ____. 英语翻译The Opposition parties made (political) capital out of the disagreements within the Cabinet Inventors come up eith ideas.entrepreneurs make a business out of them.怎么翻译,make sth out 在vb中逻辑运算符and的意义 为什么输入a= 10 and 7是输出结果为2 这个求这个式子及式子中and以及2的意义在线等. VB按位逻辑运算问题Not (3>4) And Not 5 Or 1,答案是-5,怎么算的.我是这样:=Not false And Not 5,=trueAnd -6,=-1 And -6,然后怎么算,还有我前面算得有没错 如图,已知直线AC的解析式为y=1/2x+2,其分别交x轴,y轴于A,C两点,与反比例函数y=k/x(x>0)交于点P,且PB⊥x轴于B点,若S△PAD=9.求反比例函数的解析式(图中D为P) 用微电解工艺深度处理焦化废水后排水能达到综合污水排放标准的一级标准吗 英语中“被用什么制作”be made of 还是 be made from还是 be made with?书上有一句是It was built with stones and bricks in ancient times.be built with 是专用词组吗? be made with / be made of / be made from 区别