
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 05:06:18
关于water的小短文200字左右 “绿”选词填空1.万古长青 2.千山一碧 3.翠色欲流 4.天涯碧草()是描写绿的广漠,()是描写绿的神态,()是描写绿的生命,()是描写绿的色彩.只写序号就可以了,最好写出词的意思, 用所给词的适当形式填空 Who is she _____(wait) for? freedom fighters are of sll times这句话中的 are of 是什么用法 语文最早的工具书字典类 在横线上填上适当的介词I want to go to the prt shop ( ) the south gate .The park is next ( ) the restaurant .What are you going to do ( ) Saturday .She goes to Hong Kong ( ) plane .I'm going to buy a magazine ( ) plants .I live China ( ) my 在横线上填上合适的介词1._______ a rainy day, he stays at home.2._______ noonm he has some bread for lunch.3.________ the evening, Linda watches TV ______ home.4.This is a book ________ my sister.5.—Where are you _______? —China.6.He w 在横线上填写适当的介词:Can you see some apples_____ the tree?We go to school______ Monday_____Friday.Bob is_____ duty today.My mother is ill, I must look______her at home.The little girl is interested_____English. be动词is后面不能直接跟动词? is为什么是系动词,什么是系动词 让我去帮你查询一下.Translate it into EnglishPlease provide a better answer and explain in mandarin.What is the differences among these sentences as below?1)Let me check out for you.2)Let me survey for you.3)Let me find out the answer for you 什么魅力 填动词 试在下文横线上填上适当介词.1._______杭州__________四川的成都,一定要看看杜甫草堂.2.我楞楞地______________草堂裏看,实在令我太感动了,____________西湖十景相比,____________东一带,尽是湖光山色,一 He knew he had made a mistake ,so he come forward with his head _____.A hang up B hanged down C hanging down D hanging offWhy? make up one's mind为什么是+不定式 有规律的还是要背的 be动词和系动词有什么区别? 填动词:( )传真,( )广播 我们要写一篇作文,题目叫忘不了xxx半命题作文我写好了,但没有想到合适的题目,我写的是我和我的死党有一次吵架了,不过后来和好了,之后关系反而更好了,请大家帮我想个有内涵的题 根音节,写出相应的同音字. all day/all of the day,是否相等,表示整天?请讲解下 It's (the first day of july)对括号里面的词组进行提问(Mr.Lee) went to the beach last year快点,我很急的,要写作业 All the 24hours of a day is blue 关于毛泽东的升旗时国旗下讲话的演讲稿2份不一样的,要纪念毛泽东的。其中一份可以是诗歌。 八年级下册英语第六单元Reading部分section 1三个问题,怎么写.1.How many Chinese dynasties can you think of?2.How many famous characters from Chinese history can you think of?make a list.3.Can you think of famous characters from t 九年级英语第三单元Reading Section 3 after you read 3a怎么写 The revolutionary fighter would rather die with his head high than _with his knees bent.A.to live B.living C.live D.lived 求详解,为什么选C? be bent to释义 雅思小作文上升下降词汇明天考雅思,这些小词还想明确一下 My eyes bent upon her with deep anxiety.那位大哥告诉我这句话是啥意思啊? 足球的点球点到球门线有多少米?有的说9.15米,也有说11米,还有说12米的,还有说12码的?到底是多少米啊//? 足球球门线哪位能画个示意图? 这两个句子中的“我”为什么一个是i一个是me 我知道一个是主格一个是宾格 但是怎么具体区分啊mother and i are going to the park.it takes his mother and him three hours to clean the house.