
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:08:05
英语,get sth done 和while doing sth还有should have done 各造一句. Why are cars so importan in the American society ?The USA is a large country and the Americans liketo move around in it.Making a trip in a car is comfortable and cheap .With acar people can go to any places without spending a lot of money .In the Uni look!he does his homework.这个句子怎么改 打肿脸充胖子-- 不肿()装肿()歇后语 添两个肿的谐音 know no 发音一样吗 是every place 还是 in every place? 12.“ place ” means “ place,选哪个?为什么?12.“ place ” means “ place”.A.Such beautiful a,So a beautifulB.Such a beautiful,So beautiful aC.A such beautiful,So a beautifulD.Such an beautiful,So beautiful a 和place有关的词组 what price【 】the bag? 打肿脸充胖子---( )后面一句是什么? 没有必动词怎样用does和do does出现动词还原,did出现动词还原,那do出现动词还不还原呢? 《春雪》的全诗 春雪的意思以及全诗是? 急需描写春雪的诗句1-2条,成语也可以 回答关于古诗《春雪》的问题春雪韩愈 新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽.白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花.1.诗中的第二句中,“惊”一词表现了作者怎样的心情?2.诗的三、四两句富有浓烈的 食品安全问题重要性 成都融和通投资有限公司 求英文翻译 投资有限公司怎么翻译中国(某某)科技投资有限公司.怎么翻译啊?急啊.在线等 英语翻译前半句和后半句分别用什么时态? What should I get her?翻译 翻译What shall we get her as a present? what should I get for her?与what should I get her?有什么区别啊?快来人啊 翻译:what should I get Ms Wang? 找出划线发音不同的单词,将编号写在括号里.1 A.yummy(u) B.young (o) C.dimsum(u) D.usually( u)2.A.bear( ear) B.hair(air) C.pear(ear) D.pearl(ear)3A.each(ea) B.team(ea) C.teacher(ea) D.instead(ea)4A.sure(s) B.socks(s) C.say(s) D.nice(ce I had been expecting_________ letters the whole morning,but there weren't______forme.A.some; any B.many; a few C.some; one D.a few; none full moon,full feelings阅读答案3a Read the passage about Mid-Autumn Festival and answer the questions.1.How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?2.What do mooncakes look like?What meaning do they carry?3.What story is the reading about?Full Mo I've been waiting for ___lettles the whole morning but there weren't ____for me.A)some,anyB)many,a fewC)some,oneD)a few,one I've been expecting letters the whole moring, but there wasn't any for me.翻译 I'd been expencting () letters the whole day,but there aren't()to me对于括号内有三个选项A.some/anyb.some/onec.many/a few因为后面那句there aren't是单数,但是对于前面那句的letters,又是复数,我觉得用any更合适,很纠 英语翻译浅析我国房地产政策措施对房地产价格的影响宏观调控对房地产价格的影响近几年来中国的房地产业发展突飞猛进,并且带动了其他行业的发展,在解决我国居民住房问题,推动经济发 我要翻译一下论文的副标题,“以进化论为视角”,如何翻译比较好?