
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 03:05:54
关系代数式 数据库R有4个属性(1,2,3,4) S有2个属性(1,2) R∞S(∞下面是个F),F=(R.3=S.1)∩(R.4=S.2) 有一本书编写页码用了732个数字,问这本书几页?拜托各位大神一本书编写页码,一共用了732个数字,这本书有多少页? 这是小学能力竞赛的一道题目,希望大家火速帮忙解一下. 英语翻译FINVERSE Functional inverse.g = FINVERSE(f) returns the functional inverse of f.f is a scalar sym representing a function of exactly one symbolic variable,say 'x'.Then g is a scalar symthat satisfies g(f(x)) = x.g = FINVERSE(f,v) uses the 英语翻译想不出这个函数怎么用c++来写函数功能 求矩阵正交基使用方法 B = orth(A) 返回矩阵A的正交基,B的列与A的列具有相同的空间,B的列向量是正交向量,满足B'*B = eye(rank(A)),B的列数是A的秩. 病毒是专性活细胞寄生 ?哪位清楚?上课的时候听老师说了这么一嘴.具体的不知道,请高手回答一下 专性 怎么讲?谢谢 1.A:Where is the manager?B:I don't know .He _____ in his office a few minutes ago.A.is B.was C.has been D.had been2.If something could happen,then we can say it is _____.A.able B.possible C.OK.D.true3.She no longer ___________(remember) how to make 1.If water is ________(hot),it becomes steam.2.To remember what happened years ago forever,you'd better keep writing d________.3.We're sure to have some ________(愉快) at the party this evening.4.Such a difficult job _________(花费)a lot of time 几道初中英语填空题!急!在线等~有满意答案追加分!1.将下列句子改成同义句.1.My parents don't allow smokingMy parents don't______ _____ _______ smoke.____ ______ ________to smoke by my parents.2.the price of the round-trip ti 问几道初中英语填空题(紧急,)She was ___ doing all kinds of things from morning till night.While sating that,she dropped the coin into the well at ___.另外:She was (told) that there was a well in a small village.空格中填told可不可 终不知车文言文的翻译急 英语翻译 我梦见自己乘着飞船到达另一个星球了!那个星球上已经有几个地球人居...我梦见自己乘着飞船到达另一个星球了!那个星球上已经有几个地球人居住了,在那个星球上,太阳离的远!有没有别的 请哪位matlab大神帮忙一下对于Z=p(x^2+y^2),其中p为一常数,x,y为一些离散点坐标,如何用matlab画出类似于下图的分布图,谢谢 五年级上册数学简易方程19减2x等于5怎么做 文言文.关于终不知车的习题.下列句中打括号的词的意思相同的一项是( )A 辐腐而轮[败]/车坏,大败B 以为车[固]若是/[固]若金汤C 效而为之者[相属]/有良田美池[相属]D 越人以为给己,不[顾]/[顾] 从古文“终不知车”中得到什么教训? 聪明题(1)商店卖出4个篮球和5个足球,一共364元.已知一个篮球比一个足球便宜8元,每个篮球多少元?(2)张大妈家养的鸡比兔少13只,兔足比鸡足少16只,那么鸡有()只,兔有()只.(3)有一 终不知车的翻译是什么? 英语翻译要完整点的 九年级《古诗文一点通》第8篇《终不知车》怎么翻译?速度啊!马上要做! 1.After the high-ranking officials_____,the curtain rose and the play began.A.was seated B.had seated C.were seated D.were sat2.The old man was run down by a car.He was taken to hospital and_____on by the chief surgeon right now,A.operated B.having b 1.I don’t think he will be back in an hour,_____________?选项:a、do Ib、won’t hec、don’t Id、will he2._______majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.选项:a、—b、Ac、Thed、Many3.The woman has not yet ____th corn originated in the new world and thus was not known in europe until columbus found it ( ) in cuba.Being cultivated,我认为是cultivated,这两种都是非谓语的形式,况且‘种’的动作在‘发现’之前,所以我认为没有必要 1.Before leaving the country,the new couple sold their house ____6.000 dollars A.for B at C on D with 2.He based all his arguments ____supposition A.to B in C on D with但 我 感觉是A啊 记得argument后面跟的都是 to 求大神解答怎么使用MATLAB建立数学函数.比如:L=3COS(X)+X^7我希望 在MATLAB 里面输入L 数学函数中最常用的公式是什么? 建筑工程中BT项目是什么意思? 求matlab数学函数? 施工BT项目技术是什么? ⒈高数计算题 高数 计算题麻烦连步骤也写出来谢谢~~~ 高数 计算题希望能给我详解和答案 y=(e^tan1/x)×sin1/x求dy